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The following two weeks went by just like that Monday with them going to school and acting like nothing more than best friends. People around the school idolized Jimin and Jungkook, which made it harder to have a relationship on the downlow since many would notice, regardless. They had faces that every student noticed, which meant that if either had a lover, the school would know. 

That's why they kept their relationship a secret. Jimin was scared they'd receive backlash. However, when they would go home everyday, they had plenty of time to cuddle closely and study together, following Jimin's schedule to maximize their efficiency. Jungkook was basically inhabiting Jimin's ability to study ahead as well, making him naturally feel like he was doing something good. 

It was Saturday and Jungkook sucked it up and took Jimin with him to his mom's birthday party which was at a formal celebration hall a distance from their house. 

"This hall looks huge..." Jimin gawked at the big venue as they entered the foyer. There was chandeliers and golden lights everywhere, along with vintage paintings and candelabras. The entire setting screamed 'wealthy', and even Jimin was taken aback, yet he was rich too. 

"My mom's fortieth birthday. They had to go big, I guess," Jungkook stated yet he had no sound of excitement. Both boys had to dress formally. Jungkook wore a black dress shirt with the top button undone and a black coat over, but stuck to a brand new pair of black jeans while Jimin wore formal slacks and a red dress shirt with a black tie loosely done. They dressed formally but not enough to make it seem like they were attending a wedding. 

As they entered, they had to separate from holding hands since Jungkook's family were also clueless. This made Jungkook feel uneasy not being able to hold Jimin's hand, but he let it slide. 

It's just for a few hours, and then I can have him all to myself when we get home, Jungkook thought to himself as they entered the hall and saw many people already mingling. As the two boys entered looking absolutely amazing, neither noticed the pair of eyes watching them from the corner of the hall. 

A waiter came around and offered the boys champagne and as Jimin was about to accept it, Jungkook stopped him. 

"No alcohol for you. You get way too flirty," Jungkook said as they walked further into the golden hall, trying to spot Jungkook's parents. Jungkook had a gift in his hand that had his and Jimin's name on it, and they wanted to give it to her personally. 

Eventually, they found them standing near the stage, waiting to go on in about twenty minutes for Mrs. Jeon to cut the birthday cake and do the formalities. Jungkook and Jimin approached them with respectful smiles on their face as they greeted them and wished Mrs. Jeon a happy birthday. She happily accepted the gift and left it on her table which was in front of the stage. 

"Jungkook, I thought you wouldn't come," Mrs. Jeon said. 

"Well, you disturbed my sleep for this, so I couldn't not show up," Jungkook said as Jimin stood silent, not wanting to interfere. 

"Have you been studying hard? I saw your first semester results and I'm proud," Mr. Jeon said yet it didn't make Jungkook as happy as compared to when Jimin was proud of him. 

"Thank you. I am studying hard even though it's only been a few weeks. Jimin is my tutor and he has been a good influence," Jungkook spoke as he pointed the attention to his lover, hoping to make them like him enough for when he plans to tell them they're a couple. 

Mr. Jeon gave his attention to Jimin. 

"You must be Jimin. Thank you for helping Jungkook a lot. He doesn't even come home thanks to you. We appreciate you taking care of our son," Mr. Jeon said. 

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