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It was the Monday after exams ended. That weekend, the boys celebrated in their own ways. Namjoon and Jin stayed over at Jin's place and they confronted Jin's parents who happily accepted the boys. Taehyung and Yoongi went out on a date on Saturday and the new couple had fun, with Taehyung staying over at Yoongi's the entire weekend and getting to know his boyfriend's parents. Jimin and Jungkook stayed in bed all weekend, watching a series and falling more in love with each other. The only person who was left to mope around, was Hoseok.

Friday night was horrible for him. While Jimin and Jungkook got closer, Hoseok felt taunted every time he saw three pairs of people in love with each other but he was alone. He hated feeling that, when the two people he wanted were ignoring him now. Of course, he had no idea Taehyung and Yoongi were a couple yet. Still, his weekend was lonely enough to make him desperate for his loved ones.

Early on Monday, Hoseok came to school with the intention of finding either Yoongi or Taehyung. He walked with determination in his aura, ready for whatever happened when he found one of them. By the lockers, he found Taehyung. Alone. Hoseok was tired of those two ignoring him and avoiding him so he wanted to make things right and that started with Taehyung and their kiss three weeks ago. It's been almost a month since their kiss and since Hoseok has lost his best friend. Yoongi doesn't even look at Hoseok which hurts him. This is the reason Hoseok cornered Taehyung, hoping to fix one problem at a time.

"Taehyung," Hoseok said as he reached him, staring at the boy who's blue hair is now dyed into pitch black, resembling the color of wet black ink for calligraphy. He dyed his hair this weekend and Hoseok was slightly blushing watching him turn his head to make eye contact.

"Hoseok?" Taehyung asked with surprise in his voice. He didn't expect Hoseok to search for him.

"We need to talk, Tae," Hoseok pleaded. Taehyung could see in Hoseok's eyes that he was desperate, and despite his relationship with Yoongi, Taehyung had been feeling something strange and nauseating for Hoseok. Nauseating because he was already in a relationship, and although he loved Yoongi, Hoseok has caught his attention ever since their miniature kiss.

"We don't have anything to talk about," the other responded, fixing his backpack over his shoulder and closing his locker. There were slight crowds of students scattered over the hallways but none stayed in a single spot. The students were moving around them, the few that were there this early, and this gave Hoseok and Taehyung a chance to talk without drawing too much attention. By now, most people knew Yoongi and Taehyung were boyfriends, and a lot of people envied their relationship. Taehyung was gorgeous and treated Yoongi like his prince, and Yoongi was reserved with anyone who wanted him. Many boys tried to get to know Yoongi because he was attractive to many, yet Yoongi shut them out. In the eyes of most students, Taehyung and Yoongi were a power couple. However, the only ones who weren't aware were some younger grades and Jimin and Jungkook. Those two were just as bad as Jin and Namjoon, remaining in their little bubble. It was only about time they found out.

"Taehyung, I want to talk about that kiss at the park," Hoseok insisted.

"We both agreed it was a spur of the moment mistake," Taehyung said, getting closer to Hoseok to speak with a lower volume.

"You said that... Not me," Hoseok said. Taehyung noticed how Hoseok looked horrible. All the brown haired boy felt could be seen on his face. He looked tired and like he cried this weekend, a lot. Taehyung felt hurt for Hoseok, but his hands were tied. He has a boyfriend.

"What are you saying. Hoseok?"

"Maybe that kiss was a mistake but it left me confused... I love Yoongi... But I want you too," Hoseok said with his eyes glistening as if he was about to cry.

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