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Song Recommendation:
Modern Loneliness - Lauv

On Saturday afternoon Jimin was hanging out with Yoongi and Hoseok. They hang out now and then, but not too often. Jimin was cherishing today, because he had no idea when he would spend a weekend with them. They had fun watching movies on Jimin's couch, lazing around in his huge mansion of a home. They had ordered pizza and basically just spoke of the most irrelevant things. At this point in time, Jimin decided to tease Yoongi a bit. 

"So Yoongs. You happy we met your boyfriend?" Jimin smirks at Yoongi while they tidy up around the living room. 

"H-huh?" Yoongi clearly stuttered and Jimin started to laugh at his expense. 

"Taehyung. We spent a while with him and his friends ever since Thursday and Hobi and I like him. Is that enough of our blessings for you?" Jimin teases and Yoongi flings a couch pillow at him. 

"He's just a friend, bitch," Yoongi mumbles but Jimin catches it, still chuckling softly. 

* * * *

The weekend went by way too slowly for Jimin's liking. He wished it could hurry up and become Monday because he gets too bored at home on the weekends. On Sunday he decided to distract himself by going swimming but he could only swim for about two hours before he felt hungry and decided to get out. He spent the other half of his day lounging around, watching some variety shows until he wanted to go to bed. Jimin really wanted someone to be with him during weekends. Most families would go out on weekends and spend family time together, but no, not for Jimin. He was starting to get sickened every time he was home alone. It was too boring for him, which is why some days after school, ever since Tuesday, he'd go visit Namjoon at his café and spend time with him until after his shift. That ended around six PM so Jimin would go home with enough time to cook, eat, do homework and study. It was enough time. At least killing two or three hours with Namjoon every alternate day was useful. 

Now it's Monday and Jimin waltzed into fourth period dance class almost literally. They were given time today to discuss their dance project with their partners today so although Jimin disliked Jungkook, he needed to do well for one of his favorite subjects. He loved dancing and that's why he was so eager today. He was also partly curious about how his first real interaction with Jungkook might go so he hoped Jungkook wasn't in a bad mood. 

"Okay, everyone can find their partners and begin working on their dances," Miss Han had instructed the class and so Hoseok and Jimin separated. Jimin looked around the class, eyes scanning everyone's busy bodies, only to find one unmoving person standing deserted in the back of the classroom. Jungkook had his hood over his head and his head facing the floor, when Jimin spotted him. Ain't he weird? 

Jimin walked up to him and stood directly in front of him, making Jungkook lift his head and stare at him. 

"Oh. It's you," Jungkook said, monotonously. 

"Hmm, no shit Sherlock. We were asked to join our partners. Unless of course, you're partnered up with someone else?" Jimin raised a teasing eyebrow and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I didn't hear Miss Han's announcement, but whatever. Let's get this over with," Jungkook said and Jimin scanned his features from head to toe. He looked really drained. Almost as if he didn't sleep well, but Jimin had no right at all to pry. He just nodded at Jungkook's words and started asking him questions about the  dance. They had no idea what type of dance to make, or what type of song to choose, or who's going to do what. 

"How about this? Once we figured out the type of dance we both wanna do, one will choose a song and the other will decide a basic set of moves we can tamper with," Jimin suggested and Jungkook shrugged. 

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