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The next day, Sunday, was a day before school could start. The couple were laying on Jimin's bed after spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Things were taking a turn now. They were starting a new school year with each other. Soon, they'll go through Christmas and New Year's together, and they looked so far into the future, hoping for so much together.

They loved holding each other in their arms and talking about the future. How Jimin wanted to be a dance teacher, like Miss. Han. How Jungkook wanted to be a lawyer for special victims, like victims of rape and sexual harassment. They each had their own dreams because they each had their own things that helped them cope. Jimin coped through dancing and although Jungkook wasn't saved from his uncle, he wanted to help victims who were like him.

They both had their own plans for the future but didn't forget to include each other at all.

"Was there ever a time during these eight months when you felt like you could've done better when it came to choosing me? Be honest, I need to know," Jungkook spoke as he laid on Jimin's chest.

"My prince, what are you talking about suddenly?" Jimin asked as he looked down at Jungkook, cupping his cheek to make him look up at him.

"Well... I-I just think that you could've done better. Like, why would you want me, out of all the perfectly normal people in the world?" Jungkook asked as Jimin looked at him with a serious expression.

"This isn't something you should be asking now, after eight months. Are you doubting our relationship, Jungkook?" Jimin asked as Jungkook shook his head.


"Are you doubting my love for you?" Jimin asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's not that... I'm just insecure. I don't know what made you fall in love with me. I was an asshole, to everyone. And, I'm so used. I have scars on my body and I was a wreck mentally for a long time... Why would you pick me out of everyone?" Jungkook asked as he stared into Jimin's eyes.

"That's a stupid question. I love you! Why would I care about the scars on your body? Those things are minor. You have something within you that makes you different. Don't ask me questions like these because it makes me feel like you're doubting us," Jimin said as he caressed Jungkook's cheek gently.

"I-I'm not, it's just that I wonder if one day you'll... fall for someone else..." Jungkook said. He was bothered. He loved Jimin, but Jimin was so perfect. Too perfect and Jungkook felt like he wasn't worth his love.

"How could I? I'll never have a chance to because my heart overflows with all my love for you, there's literally no space for anyone else to occupy," Jimin chuckled as he booped Jungkook's nose with his index finger.

"You say that but we don't know if someone else will one day come along and take you away from me," Jungkook pouted as he began to feel sad just talking about it.

"That's not going to happen, Kookie. Why are you so negative? You have me and you're doing a pretty good job at keeping me. There's nothing that I can find in someone else, because you already give me everything I could ever want. I wouldn't need to find someone else because you're perfect the way you are. So kind and caring... So adorable yet sexy... You're mature but funny, and no matter what you do, I can't stop my heart from racing. Why would you think I'd ever find someone else?" Jimin said as he brought Jungkook closer to him.

"Your feelings could change... I don't know if what I do will always be good enough. What if we grow up and you want certain things that I can't give you?" Jungkook said.

"The only thing I'll want is love and attention, just like every human. It's not about money or anything else. If everything you do for me is out of love, how can I abandon that?" Jimin said. "Now stop talking about this, it's making me sad," Jimin said as Jungkook chuckled.

"Okay, okay."

"How about... When we're older, I want to get married at the beach," Jimin started as Jungkook's eyes began to sparkle.

"I'll marry you at the beach! It can be an evening wedding, just before sunset," Jungkook suggested.

"Yes! That idea would be so perfect," Jimin giggled.

"And after one or two years, we can adopt children," Jungkook added, making Jimin blush.

"Definitely, but I want a daughter first," Jimin pleaded as Jungkook shook his head.

"I want a son," Jungkook spoke. "So I can be a better dad than my father," Jungkook added.

"Even if you have a daughter, you'll be a better father, my prince. I wanted a girl because imagine having our own little princess. If we have a son first, you won't be my prince anymore, I'd have to replace you with our son," Jimin giggled.

"Ah, that's not fair! I'll be your king and then he can be your prince," Jungkook pouted as they playfully fought.

"No, no, no. We can only have one king and I'm the king," Jimin teased.

"But I want a son eventually~" Jungkook sang as he kissed Jimin briefly.

"I want one too~ but I want a daughter first," Jimin giggled.

"Fine, have it your way," Jungkook pouted as he then kissed Jimin again, just to get the older to keep quiet about this topic. However, Jungkook loved the idea of planning their future life together. It made him happy knowing Jimin wanted him to build a family with. Jungkook also wanted all these things with Jimin; to get married, have children and live together for the rest of their lives. It gave him hope that maybe, they would last till the very end, even if they would surely encounter bumps along the way. They wanted to be in each other's futures and so, they were willing to work for their relationship.

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