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Jungkook wiped Jimin's tears as the older moved his hands down to hold Jungkook's neck, before laying back onto the blanket and pulling Jungkook down to hover over him as they broke apart from their sensual kisses.

"Why is my king crying?~" Jungkook cooed as he wiped Jimin's cheeks dry.

"It just feels so surreal. I never thought I'd be this happy and loved before. You're like a dream come true," Jimin spoke softly as Jungkook's nose was just pressing against his own. The couple were extremely close, physically. It was moments like these, when Jimin said these words, that made Jungkook believe that even with his flaws, he was all that Jimin needed. How could someone so broken be perfect for someone so beautiful? Jungkook always wondered the answer to that question, but maybe there was no answer. Maybe, love wasn't logical at all. And it didn't need to be.

Jungkook smiled at Jimin's words before he closed his eyes to inhale the scents around him. He smelt the grass and fresh air, but also, Jimin. He smelt Jimin's shower gel, shampoo, cologne, fabric softener. It was what made Jimin smell like himself. A scent Jungkook grew attached to.

The younger had his eyes fluttered closed as he leaned down to kiss Jimin's rosy, plump lips that were as soft as clouds. Jungkook never understood how Jimin felt so fragile and delicate. It was just this feeling that Jungkook had; feeling as though Jimin would break if he was too harsh on him.

Jungkook began to nibble on Jimin's bottom lip as the older ran his hands down Jungkook's chest, reaching the bottom of his shirt before he snuck his hands underneath and started caressing Jungkook's abs. Over the few months, Jungkook started working out again and his abs were more defined than a few months ago.

Jimin caressed Jungkook's abs, running his fingernails along the skin as goosebumps arose on the younger's body. Jungkook sucked harshly on Jimin's bottom lip before he heard Jimin gasp. Jungkook used this moment to enter his tongue into Jimin's warm mouth as his tongue glided along Jimin's in a passionate and heartfelt make out.

The older was huffing in between the kiss when Jungkook detached his lips from Jimin's and started sucking along Jimin's jawline to his ear, kissing, licking and sucking until he decided that he wanted to create a hickey there. Jimin gasped as he brought a hand up to bury his fingers into Jungkook's black and reddish hair, tugging at the roots slightly as he enjoyed the way his boyfriend gave attention to the one spot on his neck.

Jungkook sucked a hickey below Jimin's ear before he moved a little lower to Jimin's neck to suck another hickey. He then created hickeys along the base of Jimin's neck, along Jimin's Adam's apple, and his collarbones. When Jungkook was done minutes later, he pulled back to see a whole bunch of hickeys over Jimin's neck. Jungkook smirked as he admired his artwork the night sky illuminated for him to see.

"Jungkook... Please make love to me..." Jimin whispered as he tugged on Jungkook's belt, making the younger stare at Jimin below his with predatory eyes.

"Right here? Right now? In this field?" Jungkook whispered as his hormones started to go haywire.

"Y-yes. There's no one here but us... And your parents will be at home and we won't have our privacy..." Jimin said as he hooked his legs around Jungkook's waist, giving him no choice. Jungkook smirked as he caressed Jimin's cheek with the back of his hand, his fingernails running down Jimin's temple, to his cheekbone, down his cheek to his jaw.

"My king is so demanding~ Don't you think it's a bit risky?" Jungkook said as he bit his lip, staring down at his gorgeous lover.

"I... I..." Jimin had no idea what he thought. All he knew was that he wanted Jungkook, right now. It was an emotional moment and he didn't want to silence himself at his house or Jungkook's house.

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