4.9K 295 52

Song Recommendation:
Butterflies Pt. 2 - Queen Naija

Three out of seven of the boys were having gym class at the moment. While Jimin and Yoongi had gym in the second period, Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung were having their gym class now during fifth.

Jungkook was occupied with his sit ups, mind centred around the events of last night, Jungkook reminisced over how Jimin literally came to his rescue last night. Jungkook felt strongly for Jimin already but he restrained himself a lot. He prevented himself from watching Jimin undress, or watching him dance carefully, or staring too long. He didn't think those were appropriate to do, but if Jungkook had no attraction towards the blonde, then why would he need to refrain from such things. Staring at Jimin should mean the same as staring at Taehyung or Jin, but it doesn't. Jungkook was starting to become slightly aware of this fact but he didn't want to admit it yet. He thought he was just really close emotionally with Jimin since the blonde took the best care of Jungkook, but he felt something more that he tried to bury in him.

Jungkook strained his abdominal muscles as he performed the sit ups the coach requested of them. His mind kept swirling with thoughts of Jimin, to the point where it got unhealthy. He liked the way Jimin prioritized him, but he also liked everything about Jimin.

Jungkook was completely lost within himself, unsure about his feelings but he was scared of discovering his sexuality. He had a phobia, after all.

After gym class, the trio walked wordlessly to the locker room to change. Jungkook wouldn't waste time showering because he would just do that at Jimin's house later. Taehyung and Hoseok, however, decided to freshen up. Jungkook left them as soon as he changed, running off to find Jimin at his chemistry class. The two were going to walk to class, sort of. Jimin had advanced math for his last period while Jungkook had his singing class. Jungkook would like to quickly walk Jimin halfway.

Meanwhile, back in the locker rooms, Taehyung and Hoseok were alone.

"Why do you always touch Yoongi?" Hoseok suddenly piped up while he wears his clothes. Taehyung looks over at Hoseok as he zips his bag up.

"Why is that important?" Taehyung asked. Hoseok had noticed ever since Taehyung joined their friend group, Yoongi has been hanging out with him too much. Hoseok might be jealous and slightly sad about it, but he always thought he was straight. Sure, he flirts with everyone, but he isn't attracted to guys. So why was he so upset that Taehyung and Yoongi were getting too close?

"W-well, he doesn't let me touch him like you do," Hoseok said.

"I'm glad he doesn't," Taehyung chuckled nearly seductively, making Hoseok gulp.

"Why?" he dared to ask.

"Because I'm very possessive over him," Taehyung smirks as he steps forward toward Hoseok.

"He's not your property," Hoseok rolls his eyes as he zips his bag closed too.

"But he is... I like him and he's mine to touch," Taehyung laughed.

"He was my friend first," Hoseok glared at Taehyung.

"Oh, well... He'll be my boyfriend soon," Taehyung said and Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"How are you so sure?" Hoseok argued, causing Taehyung to laugh. Hoseok was getting rather worried. At this moment, the blue haired hottie was backing him up against a wall in the locker room, and Hoseok feared for his life. Taehyung was sexy, smirking like that and Hoseok didn't expect this. Not at all.

"You see, Hoseok. Yoongi is perfect for me. He's so small, short and cute. Have you seen him? He's beautiful, in a mysterious way. He's talented and wise, and has a sense of humor. He's just my type really, a cute little submissive. Too bad you didn't cherish what you had," Taehyung smirked, Hoseok's back made contact with the cold wall behind him. His words played in his head.

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