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Jimin's lips captured Jungkook's as his three fingers went in and out of Jungkook in a fluid motion. The younger let out gentle gasps now and again, being music to Jimin's ears. The older was officially obsessed with Jungkook's beautiful body, as if he wasn't already. He loved the way Jungkook gasped so softly, how he hummed and panted... He loved how he arched his body and bent his head back... He loved the way Jungkook would try to quieten his moans just so they couldn't get caught.

Jimin pecked Jungkook's lips once more before pulling his fingers out. The younger gasped at the lack of contact.

"I'm ready... Please, Daddy~ y-you're wasting time," Jungkook whined as he writhed against the bed. Jimin chuckled seductively before leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss to Jungkook's forehead. Jimin was a more caring and loving dominant, compared to Jungkook. Jungkook was rougher, although he never failed to make Jimin feel loved.

Jimin knew where Jungkook kept the lube so he reached over to his right and opened the top drawer, pulling out the small plastic bottle with strawberry flavored lube. Jimin kissed along Jungkook's sharp jawline while he uncapped the bottle and spread some on one hand, before closing the bottle and setting the lube back into the drawer. The dominant rubbed the lubricant along his pulsating cock as he kissed Jungkook's jaw, the younger mewling impatiently.

Suddenly, Jimin rubbed the tip of his member against Jungkook's prepped entrance. The younger felt goosebumps rise on his skin as he waited for Jimin to press his tip in. Suddenly, Jimin smashed his lips against Jungkook to stiffle his moans as he forced his lubricated cock into Jungkook's hole. The bottom immediately moaned into Jimin's mouth as his entrance clenched at the new feeling.

Jimin was not as long as Jungkook, but his member was thicker in width so the stretch would be more for Jungkook. The younger let out soft cries into Jimin's mouth as the dominant began to pull his hips back, only to thrust forward suddenly, making Jungkook pull on the restraints as his body jerked up, as he pressed against Jimin's chest.

"Mmm~ Oh~" Jungkook moaned against Jimin's lips when they broke the kiss. As Jimin kept thrusting, the pain in Jungkook's hole subsided and he felt butterflies in his stomach as he began to feel the pleasure of being a bottom. Jungkook didn't know how good it could feel when he wasn't fighting for his innocence; now he was sinning by his free will.

"Ngh-" Jimin grunted as he bit his lip, throwing his head back as he thrusted into Jungkook's tight entrance.

"Daddy~ it feels so good~" Jungkook whimpered in hushed tones as he arched his back, feeling his body temperature rise as Jimin pounded into his hole. Jimin held himself up with one arm as he used the other hand to caress Jungkook's abs, something he knew Jungkook liked.

"Ah- a-ah..." Jimin struggled to contain his own moans as he felt his boyfriend's warmth around his hard cock. It was a new feeling to him and the lubricant made it more slippery for him to easily glide in and out. The sounds of skin slapping against each other and desperate mewls echoed in the room, but the sounds weren't loud enough to travel down the long hallway.

"Chim~ please, take these off~ I'm so desperate to t-touch you..." Jungkook whined as he turned his head to the side to huff against the pillow. Jimin looked down at his beautiful lover underneath him, and decided to free him from the restraints. Jimin used the hand that was previously caressing Jungkook's abs to untie the restraints, then allowing Jungkook's hands to be free. The younger removed the blindfold on his own as his glistening eyes stared into Jimin's.

The younger's eyes fluttered continuously, as he bit his lip to silence his moans.

"Mmm~" was all that could escape his mouth as he fluttered his eyes every few seconds. Jimin used his one hand to push Jungkook's right leg all the way back to touch his torso. The younger was flexible and easily had his leg pushed back. With his right leg against his torso, the younger hooked his leg over Jimin's shoulder to have him keep his leg in that position, while the submissive wrapped his left leg around Jimin's waist to pull him closer in.

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