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Jungkook made it through the two hours without touching himself. He surprised Jimin when he told him that he didn't touch himself, yet it was obvious since he still had the boner. For those two hours, he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin fucking him good, at home. His boner couldn't go away, only beginning to hurt as the hours went by. He begged Jimin to drive home faster, since the pain was unbearable. He did what Jimin asked: he was a good boy and he wanted his reward for sticking through those two hours without relieving himself.

As soon as the couple got home, Jimin pressed Jungkook against the front door and pulled him in for a wet, passionate and sensual kiss. Their lips molded together as Jimin sucked on Jungkook's tongue, making the bottom whimper.

"Go to our room and wait for me... I expect you know what to do~" Jimin cooed as Jungkook nodded fast, before running up the stairs while Jimin was left to lock the front door.

Jungkook was in the bedroom, completely stripping as he waited patiently for Jimin on the bed. His cock was sprung up as he lay on the bed, like the good boy he wanted to be. As he waited, he finally heard light footsteps as Jimin approached, carrying a glass with ice cubes in it. Jimin had become quite kinky, surprising himself, and decided to search up some kinks, where an ice kink appealed to him, but of course, he needed to try it out.

He placed the glass on the nightstand before approaching the foot of the bed, seeing Jungkook displayed so beautifully. His eyes were rounded and sparkling as he bit his lip with anticipation. Jimin allowed himself to get hard this time as blood rushed to his cock, slowly becoming erect as he threw his t-shirt over his head and onto the ground.

"Why don't you take me in your pretty little mouth, hmm?" Jimin asked gently as Jungkook nodded desperately. He would do anything to speed the process up and have Jimin pound into him roughly already.

Jimin removed his jeans as he stood at the foot of the bed, watching Jungkook shyly crawl to him on his hands and knees. The sight was alluring and Jimin was ready to fuck Jungkook against the headboard, but he needed to be patient. All good things come to those who wait.

Jungkook stopped at Jimin's cock and shyly looked up as Jimin's hooded and lust filled eyes beckoned for him to suck him off. Jungkook lifted a hand up and pumped his dominant's member a few times before he took him whole, in his mouth. Jimin immediately groaned as his head fell back at the feeling of Jungkook's warm and wet mouth around his cock.

"Hmm~ like that~" Jimin whispered lowly as he placed a hand behind Jungkook's head to thrust into his mouth gently. The younger began to gag a little as he was on all fours on the bed, but that didn't stop him from enjoying the taste of Jimin's member in his mouth.

"Oh, baby~" Jimin groaned deeply as he thrusted slowly, feeling Jungkook's soft and pouty lips around his thick member. Jungkook's throat relaxed as he deepthroated Jimin, the older thrusting subtly into Jungkook's pretty mouth.

"Can't wait for me to fuck you, hmm? You obeyed me well... I'll reward my prince~" Jimin spoke as he slowly eased out of Jungkook's mouth, making the younger pout.

"On the bed," Jimin ordered as Jungkook nodded, his pout immediately disappearing.

Jungkook laid on his back into the white sheets as Jimin walked to the nightstand to grab an ice cube. He's never thought of doing something like this, and Jungkook also has never done this before. Jimin was the only person Jungkook did kinky things with so it was also new for him each time.

Jimin held the ice cube gently in his warm hand as he stood above Jungkook, before he brought the ice cube down to Jungkook's chest and ran it along his toned muscles.

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