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That day, Jungkook went home after working on the song to find Jimin left the door unlocked for him. 

"That boy... He's just asking to get murdered," Jungkook shook his head as he entered the mansion. 

"Jimin," Jungkook called as he went up the spiral staircase as sounds of water hitting echoed through the hall. 

"And he was showering. Imagine if some psycho came to kill him," Jungkook spoke to himself before he smirked with an idea. 

Jungkook tiptoed to the bedroom to leave his school bag there, before tiptoeing back to the bathroom. Sounds of water hitting the tiled shower floor echoed through his eardrums as steam filled the bathroom. Jungkook entered to see the shower door closed so Jimin couldn't see him approach. Jimin was washing his hair peacefully until...

Jungkook slammed the palm of his hand against the shower glass, startling Jimin. 

"AAH!-" Jimin shrieked as Jungkook burst into laughter, doubling over from the hilarious moment. 

"Jungkook, you bastard!" Jimin yelled as he opened the shower door. 

"I nearly died and you are laughing!" Jimin said in anger as he flicked water at Jungkook. The younger turned red from all the laughter as he tried to calm himself. 

"Oh, baby, I couldn't resist!" Jungkook laughed as his laughter finally died down. He started to undress as well to join Jimin in the shower. 

"I hate you," Jimin mumbled as he went back to washing his hair. 

"What did you expect? You left the front door opened. Anybody could've entered and killed you. You're lucky I got here before any psychos did," Jungkook teased as he entered the shower and closed the glass door. 

"Ah, baby, I missed you," Jungkook said as he stood under the faucet with Jimin. 

"It was only one and a half hours, relax!" Jimin giggled as he held Jungkook by his neck to pull him in for a kiss. 

"You know... Your parents won't be home for another hour... Why don't we...?" Jungkook's sentence trailed off as he ran his hands down Jimin's wet arms. 

"Jungkook, horny animal!" Jimin giggled as he held Jungkook by his neck. 

"Baby~ It's been one month!" Jungkook pouted. 

"I don't want us to become sex addicts!" Jimin countered as he giggled.

"We won't! We're just teenagers. You've made me suffer for one month. Do you know how hard it is to abstain when you look so hot all the time?" Jungkook pouted as he spoke, looking adorable. 

"I'm flattered, but not today, Kookie~" Jimin cooed as he pressed his lips against Jungkook's pink, pouted ones. 

"I'll let you top. Please... I want that again. Your parents were in the house the last time..." Jungkook whined like a child, making Jimin release his hold on his neck and grab the shower gel, handing it to Jungkook. 

"As tempting as that sounds~ Not today. They're going to come home soon. How about another day, we can skip dancing after school?" Jimin suggested as Jungkook finally gave in. 

"Fine, but it better be worth the wait. One month, Jimin!" Jungkook said in frustration as he grabbed the shower gel from Jimin cutely, causing Jimin to giggle. Jungkook truly was a handful, but Jimin wouldn't have it any other way. Jungkook showered peacefully as Jimin stood there under the water, watching his boyfriend lovingly. When Jungkook finished washing himself, he held Jimin by the waist and pushed him into the shower wall. 

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