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Song Recommendation:
Right Here - Chase Atlantic


The next day, Jungkook and Jimin tried to approach their friends again. This time, Jihyun wasn't there so it was easier for Jungkook to explain things; which he did. He was brief and vague but he did tell them how he wasn't really homophobic, he just had a slight fear of being molested even if he trusted his friends. If his uncle could do it, so could one of his own friends. 

They sympathized with him and tried to understand. Taehyung made sure to apologize again and Jungkook accepted it this time. Eventually, the couple told their friends they were together, which was some good news which their friends congratulated them for. They finally spoke happily, enjoying time with their friends fully, after two weeks without Jungkook. The group felt  complete again. 

The rest of the week dragged until Friday when the semester ended and they would have two weeks free. Right now, it was Saturday, and officially the day that Jimin and Jungkook went on their first date as a couple. Jungkook warned Jimin to not bring his bank card because he wants to spoil his blonde boyfriend; who just so happened to not be blonde anymore. 

Jimin stood in the mirror of his parents en-suite bathroom as he saw his blonde hair completely covered with a new dye color as he just self-dyed his hair. He wanted to surprise Jungkook, so he locked himself up in his parents' room with all the things he needed to get ready and shower in their private bathroom. Jungkook would get ready in Jimin's room and use the main bathroom to shower. Jimin didn't want Jungkook to see him until it was time to leave which was in half an hour. Jimin stood in his parents' bathroom, staring at his hair in the mirror until the timer on his phone beeped, signaling that the dye was left for long enough. 

Jimin stripped his clothes and entered the luxurious shower that belonged to his parents, and washed himself clean before washing his hair with his mom's peach scented shampoo. After ten minutes, he rushed out because he only had twenty minutes left until Jungkook would knock on the bedroom door. Jimin looked in the mirror after showering to see his wet hair. 

Is there any color that doesn't suit me?  he asked himself with a smirk as he assessed the pretty strands. He looked beautiful naturally, and any color of hair suited him. 

He moved on to hurry and dry his hair before his time would be up. He always had a problem being on time, but it was his first date with Jungkook and he wanted to be on time. Fifteen minutes later, he had his hair dried and styled, light makeup done (using the makeup Jungkook bought for him), and was fully dressed in a gray turtleneck sweater and black jeans, wearing long earrings to compliment his look. 

He liked his hair a lot, and as he admired himself in the mirror, suddenly, there was a knock on the bedroom door. 

"Baby boy, time for you to get out now. I gave you an hour to get ready and you're still not done?" Jungkook teased on the other side of the door. 

"Just a second," Jimin announced as he cleaned his parents' room. He left his belongings in his  parents' room, knowing that he could retrieve them later before they come back home.

Jimin walked up to the door, a little nervous about his new hair color. He rubbed his palms together nervously before inhaling.

"Jimin, we'll be sixty by the time you open the door-"

Just as Jungkook raised his fist to impatiently knock again, the door swung open to reveal Jimin's beauty, along with his silver hair that gives him a more matured look. Jungkook's mouth opened and closed like a fish, surprised at the sight and slightly taken by it. Jimin looked gorgeous as always, and Jungkook had no idea how he was so lucky to snag someone so hot. He rocked the hair color.

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