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Song Recommendation:
Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande, The Weeknd

(Not my fanart. Credits to the owner.)


The next morning, Jungkook woke up first. The previous night played on his mind. Jimin was finally his, body and soul. It was something he appreciated and valued more than any gift that could be bought. Jimin's body was a gift on its own. Jungkook never understood what sex could be like when you love the person, and that's why he woke up feeling like a changed young man.  

It meant something more to him than he could figure out. Sex was never something he valued, he just did it to pass time, and gained experience. Now, he knew the value of not just sex, but making love to someone. The breathless gasps, the huffs of air, the sweet moans, and the precious 'I love yous'. He didn't know how much pleasure he could have just hearing those things and feeling his lover's body wrapped around his, and it opened his mind into having a new addiction. That addiction would be Jimin; there was nothing that Jimin did that Jungkook wasn't already addicted to. 

Just last night, the two showered together and still, Jungkook's heart raced. They both changed the sheets together and even while they cuddled to sleep, Jungkook still felt those butterflies. It made him happy.  

Jungkook looked down at Jimin's small frame in his arms as they were still cuddled closely. Last night, Jungkook slept peacefully after their passionate and rough intercourse. He stared down at his lover as flashbacks of the previous night played in his mind; hearing Jimin's loud moans, seeing Jimin's sweaty and shaking body as he tried to take all the thrusts, feeling Jimin's walls surrounding him and him calling out Jimin's name. It all made Jungkook's heart race as he blushed, holding Jimin against his body who only wore his brief and Jungkook's t-shirt from the night before, while Jungkook wore only his boxers. 

Jimin had hickeys all over his neck and chest, along with the one on his inner thigh.  Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off them last night while they showered, and it took everything in him to not go for a second round. He couldn't do that though, since Jimin was practically falling asleep in the shower due to his very strenuous first time.  

Not long later, Jungkook was still admiring Jimin's ethereal beauty when the silver haired started to stir awake while having his head snuggle into Jungkook's chest as he fluttered his eyes open. Jungkook blushed feeling Jimin's breaths huff against his chest as the older woke up finally. His body felt different... he couldn't really put his finger on it. 

"Jungkookie~"  Jimin called as he looked up at the younger finally, sleepiness still visible. 

"Good morning, Chim," Jungkook smiled down at his boyfriend. 

"How long have you been awake?" Jimin questioned as one of his hands caressed Jungkook's firm chest. 

"A while..." Jungkook said, slightly embarrassed that he was just staring at Jimin for the past ten minutes. 

"Well, you should've woken me up. I'm hungry," Jimin pouted as he moved to wake up. The second he sat up, he felt a sharp pain from his lower region and his legs were a little weak. His body was exhausted and surely sore. Jimin hissed as Jungkook immediately sat up, noticing his lover was in pain. 

"F-fuck... I didn't think it would hurt this much," Jimin mumbled as he attempted to slowly stand up, feeling the pain that was new to him. Jungkook felt slightly guilty for being too rough, even if Jimin wanted it that way, and so the younger got out of bed to help his boyfriend. 

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked as he picked Jimin up bridal style to carry him. 

"Bathroom," Jimin said and Jungkook carried him to the bathroom. 

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