8 ⚠

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Just a heads up

⚠ means trigger warning, like self harm or abuse.
~ means smut or sexual content,

so if I use these in the beginning of a chapter, like this one, you'll be aware.


It was a usual Friday for the boys. Friday was actually a good day, every week. You'd see your friends for a good few hours, and you'd go home and have time all to yourself. That wasn't the case for Jungkook. He had to endure his friends hanging out with Jimin and his friends today again, dragging him along too. If that wasn't his day's low-light, he had also discovered his failing grade for his most recent Chemistry test.

Jungkook wasn't stupid, he was in fact highly smart. The problem was his ability to focus. Recently, his mind has been occupied, coupled with the fact that he receives little sleep, and so he couldn't write his test with a clear mind.

That wasn't the worst part, though. Jungkook was ordered by his teacher to give his parents his test paper to sign and return on Monday, because this is the first time he's ever failed a test. This mere task of asking his parents to sign his paper was a horrifying one. Jungkook couldn't imagine his father's reaction when he sees that he failed. Jungkook just truly lacked the motivation to try.

When the raven haired finally built up the courage to meet his parents before dinner, his father was beyond furious with his grade. Jungkook can't remember much after that. He remembers his father pulling off his belt. He remembers him raising his arm up high, before bringing the belt down harshly on Jungkook's body. Everything after that was a little blurry. He remembers the pain he felt, he remembers pleading his father to stop, he remembers how he apologized and promised to work harder. He remembers his muffled cries and how his father called him useless and stupid. He remembers the threats and how when his father was done, he flung the test papers at Jungkook and sent him up into his room without dinner. Did Jungkook expect any less though? He knew he should've waited until after dinner at least, but he knew that he would've thrown up with the way his father had belted him.

This brings us to now. Jungkook stood in his bathroom, shirtless in the dimly lit bathroom. He stood at the basin, staring at his figure in the mirror. He had red and puffy eyes, swollen cheeks and a red nose. He looked horrible. His breathing started to hasten as he stared at his left arm laying limp in the basin, blood from his wrists dropping onto the white ceramic as he drops his metal blade on the edge of the basin. He stared at the redness of the blood, admiring the color before watching how his chest heaved up and down from the mirror. Oh, that mirror had a sight. Jungkook looked like he was slowly falling apart. His stomach and shoulders were already starting to tint with bruising and he had a few cuts on his side from the impact of the leather belt. It was brutal and Jungkook had no idea how he had survived it. It was the worst belting he'd ever gotten, because it was the first time he'd ever failed a test.

He studied his appearance. He was scared just by looking at himself. He tried so hard to refrain from his habit of self-harm but today he couldn't stop himself. He loved the sight of his wrists being slit open. He had nothing better to feel besides the cutting of his precious skin.

His breathing wasn't steadying and Jungkook was sure he was about to have a panic attack but he tried to calm himself down. He might pass out from the pain at this point. Might even die from the blood he's losing.

Jungkook felt like slapping himself, even though he just got a beating half an hour ago. He hated doing this to himself but he loved it all the same. He grabbed some tissue and wiped away the blood on his wrist before going to his bedroom closet to find a bandage he kept in his underwear drawer. He always had bandages handy just in case.

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