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Song Recommendation:
Moonlight - Chase Atlantic

That evening, Jimin made dinner for him and Jungkook, finally happy to eat. These past two weeks, Jimin would skip a lot of meals, only eating if he really found it necessary. He lost a lot of weight and so did Jungkook. It was more noticeable on Jimin, however, since Jimin was smaller built and him losing weight was a lot more obvious.

After dinner, Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off his boyfriend. It seemed so different to finally think of Jimin as his boyfriend but Jungkook was ecstatic over this. He couldn't control how he stared at Jimin with loving eyes. The truth is, Jungkook had no reason to hide his feelings anymore so he embraced them and showed them naturally.

The two of them ate enough to fill their stomachs and none of them were still hungry. It was their first proper meal within two weeks and they enjoyed it thoroughly.

"Jiminie... Can we go for a walk now?" Jungkook asked as he washed all the dishes for his boyfriend, and Jimin sat at the kitchen counter studying Jungkook's figure from the back.

Jimin raised an eyebrow in a questioning motion as Jungkook couldn't see.

"Go for a walk? Now? In that onesie you're wearing?" Jimin asked with a slight giggle as Jungkook blushed after drying up his hands once he finished.

He was still wearing his white bunny onesie with pink bunny ears.

"We could change into something really quick. We just ate and I think it's really unhealthy if we just sit around all day. Let's go for a walk to the park, Chim," Jungkook insisted with puppy eyes which looked extra cute due to his round and sparkly doe eyes.

"You really want to go for a walk? It's getting colder at night nowadays," Jimin said as Jungkook approached him and stood at his feet, bringing his hands up to cup Jimin's cheeks.

"Please~," Jungkook pleaded cutely as Jimin gave up with a cute laugh.

"Okay, okay. Let's go change," Jimin said as he intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's longer ones as he led his bunny upstairs into their room. From there, Jungkook changed out of his onesie into a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt with a black jacket, as Jimin wore a blue sweater over his white t-shirt.

They fixed themselves up before heading out of the house, locking up the doors and taking a slow walk out of the driveway and on to the street.

Jungkook walked closely to Jimin, shoulders slightly brushing until he threw all caution to the wind and gently held Jimin's hand, intertwining their fingers and holding his hand firmly as they walked slowly down the street in the night. The moon shone brightly above them; the sky decorated with stars and the streetlights along the sidewalks lighting their path. It wasn't scary, it was peaceful. The sound of tree leaves rustling gently along with the slight breeze, their hair bouncing along and the cool air hitting their skin as they walked hand in hand along the sidewalk after sunset.

"It's so peaceful," Jimin managed to say softly as he and Jungkook held each other close, enjoying the calm of the evening. It was romantic in a wholesome way. Their senses were in tune. Their ears heard the sounds of nature. Their eyes saw ahead into the dark evening. Their hands intertwined as they felt their love for each other. Everything was in tune with each other, making both of them feel at peace with themselves. Finally, they were content. They were boyfriends after much awaited time. They waited a while, but the journey was required. They needed to learn more about trust and communication. 

"It really is. Haven't went for a walk this calm in a while," Jungkook smiled softly as he started swinging Jimin's hand in his, taking small steps along the sidewalk to make the journey last longer. It's only been a couple hours since they were officially boyfriends, and neither could really fathom the excitement. So many things were in store for them as a couple, including introducing their relationship to their friends and going through high school together. College would be a challenge but both boys knew they would cross that bridge in a year's time.

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