5K 298 38

Song Recommendation:
Electric - Alina Baraz ft. Khalid

Jungkook sat on a chair at the kitchen counter while Jimin finished up plating their meals.

"I could've eaten at home," Jungkook mumbles while Jimin slides Jungkook's plate towards him. Jimin takes the chair next to Jungkook and occupies it before answering the boy.

"How could I have dinner without giving you any? I'm not a monster. Furthermore, you were hungry after school," Jimin points out and takes the first bite of his food, gesturing for Jungkook to start eating his.

"I don't eat a lot at home," Jungkook confesses and Jimin glanced at the boy before taking another bite.

"Why not?" Jimin asks in between chews.

"I can't cook," Jungkook mumbles and Jimin raises an eyebrow at that, a little confused before something settles in. What if Jungkook's parents are never home as well, and Jungkook has to cook for himself like I do? Jimin thinks. His guess wasn't exactly far off because Jungkook had to cook for himself since his parents never cared, but even if they did cook dinner he never had an appetite to eat around them. He'd eat a few bites but leave the rest of his food because he hated being around his parents for too long. Jimin doesn't press more on the topic, since he doesn't want to trigger Jungkook. Jimin feels something for him. Call it sadness or pity, but Jimin's heart went out to Jungkook. Of course, Jimin had no idea about the beatings, but he put together that Jungkook didn't have a happy-go-lucky life and that's what made Jimin sad. Jimin couldn't help but think that maybe Jungkook behaved like an asshole because of his neglect or his issues. Jimin realized that maybe he shouldn't have judged Jungkook before actually knowing him. Sitting with him now makes him realize that Jungkook is actually just reserved and quiet. He isn't cocky or rude, he's just... soft-spoken. Jimin decides to ask another question.

"So if you can't cook, what do you eat when you do get hungry?" Jimin observes the way Jungkook takes rather big bites of his food. His brows are relaxed, not creased like usual, and Jimin feels a sense of pride knowing his cooking skills were good according to others as well.

Jungkook looks up at Jimin briefly, and then speaks.

"I usually have chips, or cereal, or whatever I can find really," Jungkook says and Jimin nods, trying to imagine only living on cereal and snack food. No wonder Jungkook looks like he just attended someone's funeral. He's not eating healthy enough and this makes Jimin frown. Jimin couldn't help himself. He already felt sad for this raven haired. He didn't like knowing how Jungkook self harms and barely eats. Somehow, he felt a sudden attachment to Jungkook. It's almost like Jungkook has a heart of a kid which he cages up and doesn't let show. Jimin compares the Jungkook he sees right now to the Jungkook he remembers from school. Two different people, to say the least. Causing Jungkook to show his vulnerable side really drifted their friendship, if you could call it that, to a whole new platform.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was extremely curious about Jimin. While Jungkook devoured his dinner, his mind traveled back to the lunch they had on Thursday when Taehyung and Namjoon forced him and Jin to meet Jimin and his friends. He remembers briefly about Jin mentioning how Jimin was nothing like the 'rumors'. Jungkook had no idea about any rumors but he made a mental note to ask Jin or Namjoon about that.

Just then, Jungkook realized how late it is. It's about after seven and Jimin's parents didn't come home yet. Jungkook's parents finished work at around five so he wondered where Jimin's parents were. Before he could rethink, his mouth opened on its own and asked Jimin.

"Why aren't your parents home yet?"

Jimin paused his eating for a second, a nearly inaudible sigh escaping his mouth before he plastered a smile on his face. Jungkook could see a hint of pain flicker in Jimin's eyes for a moment before he smiled at him, and Jungkook felt like he should retract his question but it's only fair since Jimin found out about his self harming. It's like a trade of information.

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