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A month later, everything was going well. The couple didn't change much after that day with Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. School was as uneventful as usual, and so the couple went on with their day like normal. They would go to school for hours and pretend to be best friends, then they'd come home and cuddle closely after doing all their homework and studying for finals which were a few months away. Nevertheless, Jimin thought it was a good idea to study ahead of time in case anything unexpected came up. 

It was a Tuesday and the couple were in dance class, waiting for Miss. Han to arrive. They were in a secluded spot, talking, but more like flirting. 

"Dance class is my favorite lesson of the day," Jungkook claimed proudly as he leaned back onto the wall, at the back of the class. 

"Is it because you get to see me?" Jimin asked as he stood in front of Jungkook, stretching. He bent his right hand down to his left foot, and repeated with the other hand as he stretched his body to get ready for dancing. 

"Nope, it's because I get to see Miss. Han," Jungkook teased, causing Jimin to stand upright to hit Jungkook's shoulder playfully. 

"You cheater," Jimin said, lightheartedly. 

"Ouch, babe, I was kidding. I get to see you stretch for me... Oh, and that ass in those shorts-" 

"Shut it, horny animal," Jimin shushed Jungkook as Miss. Han finally entered the classroom. 

"Good morning, my young dancers. I hope everyone is in a good mood. Today, I will be giving you the last assignment of the year. After this, the only things left will be your final exam in a couple months. This assignment takes up a lot of your end result so please take it seriously," she spoke as the students accepted the fact that they'll have to do an assignment. 

"Each of you are going to choreograph your own dance. No partners this time. I'd like for each of you to be creative and try to think out of the box, but also display your personalities in this dance. It's not that hard. Of course, we won't allow provocative outfits and dancing, so try to keep things clean. You have a month," Miss. Han explained as everyone understood the task. Once she was done explaining, the dancers were allowed to practice or warm up from the dance she taught them last lesson. 

"Does this mean we can't work together?" Jungkook pouted as he looked at Jimin. 

"Definitely not," Jimin sighed. 

"Then... can we surprise each  other?" Jungkook asked. 

"I was thinking the same thing! How about we work on our dances alone and then on the day of the assignment, we both will be surprised," Jimin suggested as Jungkook nodded. 

"But how will we practice?" Jungkook asked. 

"Uh... One of us practice here after school, while the other practices at my house? We could take turns. I'm sure Miss. Han could let you practice here on some days," Jimin said. 

"Ahh... All this trouble just to keep our dance a surprise..." Jungkook looked at Jimin with a playful pout. 

"Come on, it'll be fun. It'll bring us a little suspense..." Jimin persisted cutely as Jungkook chuckled. 

"And how will I survive without seeing my love for hours?" Jungkook asked as he had to refrain from holding Jimin close. 

"We can only practice one hour a day. We have a month so one hour every school day is perfect," Jimin said as Jungkook nodded. 

"I guess we're keeping our dances a surprise," Jungkook chuckled as he looked forward to this. 

* * * *

Few days after that, the couple have been working on their dances. Right now, Jungkook was working at school after the day ended while Jimin went home to practice. Jungkook was in the music studio. He remembered Miss. Han asking them to think outside the box, so he decided to record a song he wrote a while back. He worked on it a lot, and got Yoongi and Taehyung to help him with recording and creating a song. It was good practice for them since Yoongi has always wanted to be a music producer. The three of them have been working on the song for the past couple days. Jungkook wanted something original that no one else could have. A song of his own was definitely something only he would have so he found that as a way to perform better. 

"I think it's starting to sound really good. What was this song written for?" Yoongi asked as he worked on the beat. He and Taehyung worked on the instrumental while Jungkook would be able to sing for them to record. The song was nearly done; Yoongi just had to do the final additions. 

"I wrote it for you guys... but mostly Jimin," Jungkook said as he blushed thinking about how he wrote the song a couple weeks ago when he was bored during singing class. 

"'Begin'... I like it," Taehyung said as he listened to the way Yoongi worked on it. 

"So do I... It sounds very sweet and personal. And the dance for this?" Yoongi spoke. 

"Well, you and Taehyung did a good job of adding a beat, so it wouldn't be hard to dance to it. I won't be singing or performing, I'll just be dancing so it won't be hard," Jungkook said as he stood behind Yoongi's chair, holding the top of the backrest as he bent down to supervise Yoongi. 

"Seems interesting. I wish we could see the end dance," Taehyung said as he sat next to Yoongi on his chair. 

"Well, before I can dance for the assignment, during my final practice I can record the dance and show you guys after the assignment," Jungkook suggested as Yoongi and Taehyung agreed. 

"Ugh, I wasted so many days working on this song when I should've been dancing. I bet Jimin's almost done. He always works so fast, he's like a machine," Jungkook chuckled thinking about how Jimin always works fast. 

Meanwhile, at Jimin's dance room at home, he was panting heavily after dancing for the past half an hour, nonstop. Jimin already knew what song he wanted to dance to. He decided that Black Swan was inspired by Jungkook months ago, and he nearly finished the choreo before Jungkook entered his life and everything went off-track. 

Jimin decided that this song was his best instrumental that he's produced, and the dance was emotional. Jimin decided that now that he was in love and he used his passion for Jungkook to allow him to change some of the dance and make it more elegant. He was happy and carefree as he finally figured out how to change the dance moves and improve it. Matter of fact, in a couple more days, Jimin's dance would be mastered and he wouldn't have to practice that hard. That was the advantage he had for doing things like working on dances for fun. He didn't have to work as hard as other students. 

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