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Song Recommendation:
Scars - Allison Iraheta

"Thank you, by the way," Taehyung says as he and Yoongi exit the music production room at 3:30pm.

"For what?" Yoongi looks at Taehyung, who is much taller. Yoongi has never felt so submissive before. His height has never been a problem but now, walking next to the gorgeous Taehyung, makes him feel smaller than necessary. Taehyung was so nice and sweet, so Yoongi had no idea why he felt so intimidated.

"For the advice," Taehyung smiles at Yoongi, and Yoongi knows one hundred percent that his ears are red. Taehyung has the prettiest smile.

"You're welcome. In a way, we both helped each other today," Yoongi says to him, thinking about how Taehyung advised him to improve his song.

"You're right, but would you mind helping me with another thing?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi creases his eyebrows in confusion.

"Sure... What do you need?" Yoongi asks Taehyung as they approach the front entrance of the school.

"Meet me back here on Wednesday afternoon?" Taehyung asks and Yoongi tilts his head.

"Back here here like the entrance of the school?"

"No, silly. Just meet me at the MP room," Taehyung smiles brightly before he runs out of the entrance to walk home, leaving Yoongi slightly blushing at how pretty Taehyung's smile is. Yoongi didn't know why but he found Taehyung intriguing and he truly wanted to know more about him, maybe become friends? He loved Jimin and Hoseok, but Taehyung seemed different, as if they had a connection back in the music production room. Music does bring people together. Yoongi smiles to himself, wondering if it would be a good idea to work on music with Taehyung one day. He made up his mind and decided to follow through, definitely meeting Taehyung on Wednesday.

* * *

Jimin was sitting up in his bed, reading a sad romance book, when his phone started to ring. He expected it was one of the few people who actually had his number, so his friends. He reads the ID that says it's Yoongi, so Jimin happily answers. 

"Hi, Yoongles," Jimin says with a huge smile on his face. Although Jimin is lonely at home, he isn't sad about it. He's very much used to it. He's always happy, even though he gets bored and lonely at home. Part of him feels like he's a bother to people which is why his parents are never there with him. He doesn't call his friends first because he doesn't want to bother them, but when they call him first it makes him happy. 

"Ahhh, I thought I told you not to call me that," Yoongi groans. 

"Oh, you love it," Jimin smirks and Yoongi grumbles. 

"Okay, maybe I do... I called to see how you're doing," Yoongi says and Jimin smiles. 

"I'm great, Yoongi, and what about you?" Jimin questions his dark haired friend. 

"I'm good. How was your afternoon?" Yoongi asks. The two friends spend a long while talking about their day, Jimin mentioning how all he did was study and read. 

Yoongi understood Jimin had a very basic life, but he didn't know how Jimin felt about it. He assumed the blonde was satisfied with his life. Little did he know how much Jimin craved affection, and the truth is, Jimin couldn't get that affection from his friends. They weren't affectionate or touchy. 

Yoongi told Jimin about how he worked on his song after school at the MP room. Jimin was staying after school tomorrow to dance, but he didn't tell Yoongi that. Hoseok danced too so it would be suspicious if he stayed without Hoseok. Jimin simply didn't want his friends to know because he didn't want them to ask him to show them his dances. He also didn't want them to think he was Miss Han's pet or anything. So he kept quiet.  

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