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Song Recommendation:
All We Are - OneRepublic

Jungkook stood seemingly lost in the middle of  the halls as he watched Taehyung's disappearing figure. It pained him to see his best friend give up without a fight and Jungkook knew at some point Taehyung would be tired of always fighting. Jungkook did like the fact that Taehyung cared because he doesn't have much people around him to actually care for him, but his anger and bad habits always got the best of him. It always made Jungkook feel relieved when Taehyung would see reason and resolve the fight but Jungkook didn't realize how selfish he was being until now. Taehyung always put him first, so why couldn't Jungkook listen for once? 

The bell sounded and snapped Jungkook out of his daze. He didn't realize he was in the supply closet, making out with that girl for more than half the period. Really, Jungkook? Not one of your best days,  the raven scolds himself as he proceeds to walk to his next class. He wasn't even watching where he was going when a shorter blonde was walking passed him and Jungkook accidentally bumped his shoulder. 

"Watch where you're going, midget," Jungkook growls without evening looking at the blonde. 

Jimin, on the other hand, just scoffed and continued walking towards the gymnasium, since he has gym now during third period. 

Stupid asshole, he bumped into me, Jimin thought to himself as he met Yoongi on his way to gym too. The first period of the day that they actually share. 

"You okay?" Yoongi asks Jimin as he notices his sour expression. Jimin quickly lightens up, realizing that it's silly to be angry at a random boy for simply bumping his shoulder. 

"Yeah. Let's get ready to sweat like pigs," Jimin gestures towards the locker rooms for them to change into their gym clothes.  Yoongi groans in response, hating gym class. He much rather sleep. Jimin and Yoongi change together and enter gym class and of course, the girls go crazy over Jimin in shorts. He looks really hot in sportswear. 

"It must be annoying having all those girls stare at you?" Yoongi states as he watches Jimin stretch to get ready for class. Yoongi barely participates so he has no need to stretch. 

"Yeah, it kinda is," Jimin mumbles. 

"Would you rather have the guys stare at you?" Yoongi tries, causing Jimin to turn towards him. 

"What?" Jimin  asks, pretending to be slightly confused but is in fact terrified inside. 

"I mean, if you don't want girls to look at you-"

"I never said that, Yoongi. I just feel uncomfortable having people check me out all day," Jimin says to cover up his panic as he wakes up from the floor, finished stretching. 

"I'm just saying, if you were gay it wouldn't be a problem," Yoongi says. Just then, their teacher arrives, cutting them off. Okay, so what if Jimin didn't come out to his friends yet? He wasn't comfortable telling them. For some reason, even though he loved and trusted his friends, he couldn't risk the rest of the school finding out. That would make him more popular, with the boys though, since there were a lot of homosexual boys at school. But thanks to what Yoongi just said, Jimin might just come out to them soon. They were his best friends. They would still love him, but if they didn't just because he was gay, then they're not worth it. However, Jimin was sure they would accept him. They have the kindest hearts. 

* * *

Jungkook found Taehyung during lunch, sitting with their friends, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin. Namjoon, one of the smartest boys in their year, and Jin, one of the most handsome. As cliché as it sounded, it was true. They all just happened to be friends since middle school, and even though Jungkook changed quite negatively in the last couple years, they couldn't abandon him. The three boys tried their own techniques to change him back to the smiling, happy and innocent boy they all once knew. But they were all unsuccessful. Whatever did happen to him? No one knew. 

"Tae, please... I'm sorry... I promise I'll listen," Jungkook pleads with the blue haired, but he continues giving him the silent treatment. Taehyung was never strong enough to give him the silent treatment, but he was so angry now that if he spoke to Jungkook, he would hurt his feelings. 

"Hyung, please," Jungkook grasps onto Taehyung's arm. Taehyung was only a little older than him, so when he called him hyung, Taehyung knew he was desperate. 

"What's wrong, Jungkook? I thought you didn't want me to care," Taehyung says coldly. 

"No, Tae, that's not what I meant. I was just upset at the time," Jungkook explains but Taehyung isn't having it. 

"I don't know what you expect me to say," he says.

"Tae, I'm really sorry. I won't skip class again," Jungkook apologizes for the tenth time, and Taehyung notices his glossy eyes. For the first time in a long time, the three Kims felt like their little brother was back, but they knew it was short-lived. Jungkook always looked desperate when any of them were angry at him. It was almost like a cry to tell them not to leave him or get fed up with him. He wanted them to never give up on him, even though he knew that was a lot to ask of them. For Jungkook, every argument felt like his friends were going to abandon him because they were done with his shit. And Jungkook couldn't blame them. He knew that. He wanted to be happier and better, for them, but Jungkook had scars too. It was too hard for him to go back to his old self. But in order for Taehyung to not leave him, Jungkook knew he had to make a compromise for his best friend. 

"I promise I won't skip lessons again," Jungkook pushed again and Taehyung sighed.   

"Wait, you skipped class?" Jin asks, shocked. 

"Listen, Jungkook. If you wanna skip, that's on you. But you don't get to treat me like shit when I try to look out for you," Taehyung says. Jungkook sniffs, on the verge of crying when Taehyung pulls him in for a hug. 

"Just don't treat me like that again," Taehyung says and Jungkook nods his head in Taehyung's shoulder. 

"Taehyung is such a good best friend," Namjoon says to Jin, and Jungkook had to agree, because he knew he didn't deserve him. 

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