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Song Recommendation:
My My My! - Troye Sivan


The romantic weekend went by so quickly but every moment they spent together made them realize how much they've been missing out on since they never really grew the courage to confess sooner, but maybe, if neither learned what it would be like without each other then neither would be able to fully appreciate the other. 

This morning, both boys woke up cuddled in each other's arms as Jimin's alarm rang loudly to wake them up for school. After a few minutes, Jimin groaned in exhaustion as he turned over to grab his cellphone and turn it off. 

"Hate Mondays," he muttered under his breath as he rolled over and met with his sleeping prince. Jimin felt his spine tingle as he scanned Jungkook's sleepy profile, feeling guilty to wake him up. Jimin knew Jungkook gets ready rather quickly so he decided to wake up first and allow him to sleep in a little. 

Jimin leant in and left a small, lingering kiss on Jungkook's cheek before getting out of the bed and replacing his body with a pillow in Jungkook's arms. Jimin left and sauntered to his closet to pick his outfit of a red and black long sleeved shirt and his usual skinny jeans which he knows Jungkook adores. He gathered his items and made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the morning. 

Jungkook was fast asleep as the blonde showered and got dressed, taking extra time to style his hair and add earrings to his outfit, not forgetting to wear the earrings and neck chain Jungkook gifted him. After Jimin styled himself up, he was satisfied with his look but realized he needs to dye his hair soon again, maybe to another color.  

Jimin entered his bedroom to find his cute boyfriend still sleeping shirtless, now that Jungkook's more comfortable. Jimin cooed as he went over to finally wake him up. 

"Jungkookie," Jimin cooed as he shook his shoulder, trying to wake him up. Jungkook's throat rumbled with a deep growl, eyes remaining shut as Jimin persisted. 

"Baby, we have school," Jimin laughed as Jungkook protested. 

"I don't wanna go. Don't make me go," Jungkook pouted as he spoke with his morning voice. 

"We have to go, come on. Soon we'll have a break for two weeks before the next semester starts. Let's push through this week," Jimin said lovingly in his sweet voice, as Jungkook smiled having to hear his boyfriend's voice first thing in the morning, This was something he never wanted to take for granted, having Jimin wake him up instead of his own alarm. He felt sad just thinking about a life without Jimin already. It was still early in their relationship but after three months of just living with Jimin, he knows that no one else could treat him the same way. No one could break down his walls and take care of him the way Jimin did. Jimin was like a boyfriend and parent rolled into one with how good he took care of the raven haired. 

Jungkook simply nodded and hesitantly got out of bed, still feeling tired. He sat on the edge of the bed with droopy eyes indicating how tired he was as he slouched, rubbing one of his eyes cutely. Jimin smiled as he let his eyes rake down Jungkook's body, admiring his abs and the loose sweatpants sitting low on his hips. 

Jimin held Jungkook's face in his small palms as he made the younger look up at him. 

"I'm going to make breakfast for you. Go shower in the meantime. I woke you up half an hour later so you better move fast," Jimin said as he pressed a kiss on Jungkook's nose before leaving him to get ready. The sleepy boy smiled brightly, enjoying all the love and affection he gets from Jimin, before making his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the morning, wearing black jeans and a black dress shirt untucked with the top two buttons open. 

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