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Song Recommendation:
Tidal wave - Chase Atlantic

After the couple stood in the water for a good couple of minutes, Jungkook decided to bring Jimin back to their blanket. 

"Before we lay down on the blanket, can we go wash our feet by the public shower? I don't want wet sand to get on the blanket," Jungkook said as he grabbed his and Jimin's beach sandals and walked with Jimin to the public shower to rinse the sand off their feet. After rinsing their feet clean, they wore their beach sandals which Jungkook brought along, so that sand wouldn't stick to them. 

They reached their blanket and laid on it. Jungkook ensured he brought a big enough blanket. The couple laid with Jimin's head on Jungkook's bicep as they looked up into the night sky. Jimin appreciated night views. He loved the night sky, the night breeze and the peaceful yet infinite feeling the night sky gave him. Infinite because the night sky had no limit to your imagination. One could always look into the sky and see something different, making you wonder how amazing our infinite galaxy is. 

Jungkook looked to his right and started blushing while staring at Jimin's ethereal beauty. The night sky illuminated Jimin's flawless skin and with Jungkook staring from up close, he blushed thinking about having Jimin to himself tonight, to finally take that next step. It stressed Jungkook out, but he was excited to do this with the one he loved. 

"Jimin..." Jungkook called out. Jimin smiled and turned his head to see Jungkook staring at him. Their faces were extremely close, noses nearly touching. 

"Hmm?" Jimin hummed as he stared down at Jungkook's lips before looking back into his lover's eyes. 

"Could you tell me what made you fall in love with me?" Jungkook questioned as his eyes also flickered down to Jimin's lips for a fleeting moment.

"Oh... Jungkook, it was many things," Jimin said as he turned on his side to face Jungkook, cuddling up to his side as Jimin brought a hand to lay on Jungkook's chest. "I think when we first spoke properly when we started our dance assignment, I saw you in your vulnerable state although we just met, and I figured out that you were as lonely as me... I-I felt like we somehow understood each other... And that was different for me to experience... Then we spent time together and everything you did captured me... I fell in love with your smile once I saw it... I fell in love with the way you looked at me... And eventually, in the moment that I found out you were abused by your father and I started crying... That was the moment I realized I was falling in love with you. I can't place a date, time or reason, but I know that once your existence became more important to me than my own, that was when I fell in love with you... And you might feel like there's nothing special about you but you are everything that makes me happy, and I just can't name a single reason why I chose you. I just did," Jimin spoke as he stared up into Jungkook's eyes that were nearly crying. His eyes were holding back tears that would ruin the moment if he let them fall.

"Ah, Jimin... You're so romantic," Jungkook chuckled as he pressed his lips to Jimin's forehead.

"And what about you?" Jimin looked up at Jungkook with innocent eyes, wanting to know what made Jungkook fall in love with him.

"For me... I only realized it that day we finished exams but... I was already in love with you before that. When you found out all my little secrets about my self harm, when you cooked dinner for me every night... When you helped me study and eventually, took me under your care to live with you... I was already falling in love with you. When you helped me after I had my first nightmare in front of you... I guess every small thing you did proved how big your heart is and that's what allowed me to fall in love with you. It was the way your eyes shined every time you spoke to me... The way you smiled at me when you thought I wasn't watching... The way you helped me so patiently and selflessly... It's true that it's hard to pinpoint a reason, but every small thing about you when I met you the first time made me want to keep learning about you, eventually growing to love you," Jungkook said as Jimin had a huge smile plastered on his face, his eyes disappearing, making Jungkook fawn over his boyfriend's cuteness.

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