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Song Recommendation:
Into You - Ariana Grande

The next morning was a bit more stressful than the previous day. It was the last exam of the semester, and Chemistry was a tough subject that the boys would tackle. Jimin had all the belief in the world that even if Jungkook doesn't get graded an A, he'll get a B which is better than failing. That's all he wants; to prove to Jungkook that he isn't stupid, but in fact really smart.

The two were walking to school this morning, taking time to revise their work.

"Do you remember what's an endothermic reaction?" Jimin asked the taller as they walked side by side.

"Of course, Jimin. It's a chemical reaction where the reactants absorb heat in order to form products," Jungkook responds as he holds his chemistry notebook closed in his hands as they both walk.

"And how do we identify this reaction when doing experiments?" Jimin asked.

"The test tube should be cooler at the end of the reaction?" Jungkook asked, unsure.

"You got it. Make sure you don't confuse endothermic and exothermic," Jimin warned him as the raven haired nodded, excited to be able to understand the whys and the hows of chemistry.

They entered school as usual, a bit of thrill running in their veins. They were happy to be three hours away from freedom, until next semester of course. The two proceeded to the exam venue, Jimin testing Jungkook until the very last second they had together.

"Good luck, bunny. I'll meet you outside the venue at the end," Jimin told Jungkook. The entire grade that wrote Chemistry was in one venue and they sat alphabetically, hence Jungkook was a couple seats in front of Jimin. Namjoon and Jin also wrote today, and the couple had the same surname so the two sat with Namjoon​ in front of Jin as the exam was announced to begin in twenty minutes.

"Good luck, Chim," Jungkook said as they separated and went to their seats.

The exam started and the boys were full of anticipation. Page after page, question after question, all four boys knew what they were doing. There were some challenges here and there, but they finished the exam without leaving any blank spaces. Jungkook was extra proud of himself because although he had problems, he worked through those problematic questions and left nothing blank, which was unique for him. He had a better chance of performing well, all thanks to Jimin.

When the exam ended, all the students put their pens down and breathed a sigh of relief as the invigilator collected everyone's papers. It took them all five minutes to leave the exam hall and meet outside. Jimin exited after Jungkook, and found his best friend outside already waiting for him with a bright bunny smile.

"Jungkook, we did it," Jimin said as he approached Jungkook, threading his fingers through his hair and slinging his backpack on his one shoulder.

"Thank God! We don't have to study until next semester. How about we celebrate today?" Jungkook asked as the two stood outside the exam venue.

"Totally agree," Namjoon said as he and Jin exited the exam venue and met up with them.

"Oh, hey guys. Do you want to celebrate the end of exams with us?" Jimin asked Namjoon and Jin as all four of them exited school and walked to the parking lot.

"Yeah, we haven't hung out outside of school. Maybe we could meet at my house?" Jin questioned.

"Sure. Let me call up the rest of our friends. We could meet at four PM," Namjoon stated as the boys parted ways. Namjoon and Jin went back to Jin's house to wait for the rest of the boys.

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