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After dinner the family of four watched TV until the parents went to sleep. Jimin watched Jungkook waddle upstairs as Jimin lagged behind to watch Jungkook's cute butt wiggle. As the couple entered the room, Jungkook immediately jumped on the bed as Jimin cooed at his boyfriend who was comfortable enough to stay in his little space for the entire day.

"Daddy~" Jungkook sang as Jimin walked towards the bed to stand over his boyfriend who was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"Yes, baby~" Jimin cooed as he cupped Jungkook's smooth cheeks.

"Play with me..." Jungkook whispered as he looked up at his boyfriend with his brown, sparkling doe eyes.

"It's too late to play hide and seek~" Jimin said as he pecked Jungkook's lips.

"N-not hide and seek..." Jungkook said as he shook his head.

"Jungkook?" Jimin asked as he tilted his head.

"Touch me..." Jungkook begged as he hooked his arms around Jimin's waist.

"Baby... Are you sure? I-I thought you didn't want to bottom," Jimin stared down at his boyfriend with concern. He wanted nothing more than to make love to Jungkook, to have his turn to be the dominant and show how much he loved Jungkook. He wanted to hear his high pitched moans and pound into him; however, they weren't alone.

"I want it... With you... And only you... Please, daddy," Jungkook begged as he started undressing Jimin on his own. The young boy was eager and wanted to be touched all over by his significant other.

"Baby, my parents are down the hall..." Jimin said as he felt his lust take over his body. He wanted to do so many things, and here he had little Jungkook removing his shirt for him, looking at him with his puppy eyes and cute pout. Jimin was going crazy.

"Daddy, I'll be quiet... Please... I want you so bad..." Jungkook whined, nearly cried, as he was so desperate for it. Jimin didn't know what took over Jungkook suddenly to want it, but Jimin's patience was running low too. With Jungkook running around naked this morning, it really messed with his mind.

"I want you to be as quiet as possible, okay? Be my good boy, and don't be too loud or else we'll get caught... And we don't want to get caught, right?" Jimin asked as he caressed Jungkook's cheek as the younger brought his hands to Jimin's waistband of his sweatpants and started tugging on it.

"Yes, daddy... I'll listen... Please give it to me~" Jungkook begged with his rounded eyes as he laid back on the bed before he unzipped his onesie on his own. He then started to remove the arms of the onesie, followed by the legs, in order to fully remove the piece of clothing. He then discarded it on the floor before removing his black boxers as well, throwing it onto the ground as he stripped right in front of Jimin, putting on a show for the older.

Jimin bit his lip as he started to remove his clothes entirely, staring down at his boyfriend as if he was his prey. Jungkook's thin yet muscular figure relaxed into the baby blue sheets as he stared up at his lover with feigned innocence in his eyes, looking younger than usual. The gleam in his eyes were mischievous and yet, they sparkled with innocence as he watched Jimin become more dominant, as he crawled onto the bed after stripping fully.

Jimin crawled over Jungkook as he smiled down at the younger.

"My beautiful prince~ Tell me how much you want me~" Jimin whispered as he bent down to kiss Jungkook's neck. The younger smelt like his vanilla shower gel and Jimin felt hungry for him. The older tugged on Jungkook's skin of his neck with his teeth as he heard the bottom whimper slightly.

"Daddy~ I love you with all my heart~ but I want you with my entire being~" Jungkook sang, not entirely in little space but somewhere in between.

"Hmm..." Jimin hummed as he sucked on Jungkook's pale and unmarked skin. Jimin has given Jungkook hickeys before but not while the younger was submissive. Jimin loved the sounds of Jungkook's gentle huffs in his ear as he sucked on his neck to leave a mark. Jungkook ran his hands up Jimin's toned back to lock both hands behind the dominant's neck.

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