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Song Recommendation:
favorite crime - Olivia Rodrigo

The weekend went by too slowly. Jungkook and Jimin had it worse than anything. The rest of their friends didn't have to worry about the friendship falling apart because Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok had each other. Jin and Namjoon had each other too and that's all that mattered to the five of them. Jin, Namjoon and Taehyung loved Jungkook too, but they assumed Jungkook was angry at them which wasn't one hundred percent true.

Jimin and Jungkook both had no one. Although Jimin had his friends, he didn't have Jungkook and that's what hurt more. Jimin was surrounded with couples who loved each other yet the boy he loved was assumed to be homophobic. It taunted Jimin that the one he wanted, he couldn't have.

This weekend, Jungkook wanted more than anything to visit Jimin and patch things up but his fears caught up with him. He honestly believed that when Jimin didn't call or text or even visit him, he felt Jimin didn't want him around anyway so Jungkook was hurt by it. It was all a misunderstanding but both boys had their hearts broken and couldn't communicate until they sorted through their feelings.

On Monday, both Jungkook and Jimin looked horrible. It was obvious that something happened to them. They avoided each other the entire day at school. Jimin avoided him because he thought Jungkook hated him. Jungkook avoided Jimin because he felt a lot of guilt for everything. He felt responsible for most of this and he couldn't face Jimin. He was scared to, and although the weekend was enough time to think through everything, when he saw Jimin avoiding him on purpose on Monday, he felt unwelcomed to talk to him.

It hurt him to see Jimin avoid him like a disease. It hurt Jungkook more when he noticed Jimin's unruly appearance. His clothes weren't ironed, his hair was messy and his eyes had dark circles as if he was exhausted which was the same as Jungkook. Jungkook hid it well with the help of his hoodie, so he covered his head a lot and kept to himself. In dance class, the two were practically on either side of the room, acting as if the other didn't exist. Jungkook was far behind Jimin, in the back of the class, as he stared at Jimin's back. He couldn't talk to him so he stared at him to make sure he was okay. As Jungkook noticed Jimin's painful expression as if someone close to him passed on, it made Jungkook feel even more guilty for putting Jimin through pain. Jungkook assumed Jimin was hurt that Jungkook couldn't accept his sexuality which was partly true.

Dance class was so tense as Hoseok never left Jimin's side. Jimin had his friends. Jungkook had no one.

Later on, after school, Yoongi and Hoseok found Jimin on their way out of school. The entire day Yoongi and Hoseok would try to cheer Jimin up, along with some help from Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon. It never helped because they weren't Jungkook. Jimin felt angry at Jungkook for letting something as minor as sexuality come in between them but Jimin just didn't realize it was some of his fault too, for not listening to Jungkook, or giving him time to explain. Jimin was just under the impression that Jungkook was homophobic.

After school, Hoseok and Yoongi walked with Jimin.

"Jimin. Would you like to come with us to Namjoon's café? We wanted to go out since the three of us haven't spent alone time together for nearly three months," Hoseok tried but Jimin thought about it. He remembered the cute moments he spent with Jungkook at that café the day they went out. Jimin knew he would cry stepping in to the café just by remembering the time he had with Jungkook.

"No thanks, Hobi. I think I'll pass," Jimin said, sounding as if he's mourning someone, before exiting school without Yoongi or Hoseok.

"There goes our attempt at cheering him up," Yoongi sighed sadly.

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