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Song Recommendation:
traitor - Olivia Rodrigo

Taehyung woke up as usual, getting out of bed with a bounce in his step, unlike most people. Some people were groggy in the mornings but Taehyung was a happy soul. Happy for another morning, happy for being so fortunate and happy with his life. Out of all seven of the boys, Taehyung didn't have many problems. His parents were lovely, his friends were... questionable but amazing nonetheless. His grades were good enough to get into a good university and himself? He was happy with himself. He was handsome (according to his family and most people at school), he had a good body according to himself and he was healthy. The only problem Taehyung has ever had was his sexuality. He's always known he was bisexual but coming out has given him nightmares ever since he realized it was something he had to do. He couldn't lie to his friends and family forever. Taehyung always thought that if no one accepts him, he could just marry a girl since he's attracted to females too, but even Taehyung knows he has about a fifty percent chance of falling in love with a boy. He can't be certain whether or not he'll be safe after coming out, and that's what's holding him back. There's no rush though, since he hasn't fallen in love with a guy until now.

Taehyung was very engaged during his morning. He sang some songs in the shower, washed his beautiful blue hair, styled it, dressed up (with extra caution today for some reason), and made sure he smelt really good before he was able to leave his home. He didn't hate school per say, but he didn't love it either. At school, he's only popular because of Jungkook. He is Jungkook's blue haired best friend. Taehyung isn't Taehyung. No, he is Jungkook's sidekick. No one pays attention to Taehyung unless it has something to do with Jungkook. It's also as if people painted Taehyung with the same brush as they did Jungkook. Girls assumed Taehyung was a fuckboy like his best friend, but how can you explain to these bimbos that Taehyung isn't a product of Jungkook? He is his own person. Do people understand that? The only person to ever talk to Taehyung without having the intention to fuck or to get to Jungkook would be Yoongi. It was too soon to tell but Taehyung hoped Yoongi was not like the rest. He already had a soft spot for him and it would break his heart if Yoongi just wanted to use him. Everyone else tried to, but Taehyung wouldn't let everyone know how much it hurt him knowing his best friend was as good as an idol in their school, and all people knew about Taehyung was that Jungkook and him are pals. Taehyung didn't have his individuality but he didn't let that bother him. For now, he'll play Jungkook's 'straight' best friend, until he can have the courage to prove everyone that he is not just Jungkook's best friend and he is barely even straight.

The beautiful male exited his house after saying goodbye to his parents. He walked along the porch and found his motorcycle parked in the corner of his house. He had a motorcycle but he barely ever used it. School was just a fifteen minute walk from his house, but on days when Taehyung felt lazy to walk he would use his motorcycle. He rode his motorcycle through the streets, his jacket being caught in the wind like a sail on a boat, and he felt free for a while. Nothing mattered besides him and the route to school (well, of course, if he doesn't want to crash). Taehyung didn't have to think about people and their toxic ways of viewing other people. He didn't have to worry about being unpopular or even the unique color of his hair. In this moment, he worried about himself.

For second period, Taehyung practically hopped and skipped his way to class. People were at first surprised to see Taehyung show up with his motorcycle, and girls fawned over him, but he paid no attention to them. He just wanted to get through this day and go home. It was Thursday and he wanted the weekend to come already. Right now he had his music production lesson so he wanted it to last longer than the rest. He took a step inside the class and his eyes landed on a dark haired boy, small and cute, sitting in his usual corner at the back. Yoongi was such a genius lyricist and yet he wasn't popular for his talent. This didn't sit right with Taehyung. The singers and the dancers always got their moment of fame so why didn't the music producers?

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