1.9K 93 13

Dear Fellow Jikookers:

Now that Same Love is officially finished, I'd like to announce that I've been working on another Jikook book since the start of August.

It's very much different compared to this book; this book is lighthearted and slightly humorous, whereas my future book is more dark and suspenseful.

I would really love to introduce you to the idea but only when this book gets more exposure so maybe in a month or two, if all goes well. If you would like to speed up the process then add my book to your reading lists or recommend it somewhere so the reads increase. If we had to set a target, maybe 10K? It doesn't matter really, as long as I know people are actually reading and enjoying this book. Therefore, if you enjoyed this book, please comment or vote so I can know!

On that note, thank you all for 1K even though it's only been a few weeks of updating constantly. It was like all of a sudden, one morning I woke up and from 40 reads it went to 300.

Thank you to every single one of you. I don't write just for me, I write for you! Because I know how hard it is to find good books to read and I want you guys to have something to keep you busy.

With that being said, please look forward to my next book. Once this book reaches a higher amount of reads, I'll announce on my profile the basics: mostly just a hint.

So if you're interested, I really do suggest following my Wattpad account to see the announcements, and if you won't follow me then stalk my account and read my conversations because I post announcements a lot! A lot!

But it's only for you guys so do as you please. Anyway, leave comments and tell me what would make my writing better. I'd love to know how you feel, and remember, I'm here for you, not as an author but as a friend.

If you want to know anything about me, check out my profile. :)

From your dearest author,
L. K. M. <3

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