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Song Recommendation:
Saturn - Sleeping At Last

It has been two weeks since Jungkook and Jimin started getting closer. Their friendship has really changed for the better during this time. Jimin did his best to include Jungkook all the time. Jimin felt like he could use more attention. Jungkook appreciated the effort Jimin made, and although Jimin was nice to everyone, Jungkook took it differently. Jungkook felt way too attached to Jimin too soon, and he didn't like this feeling. It felt like Jimin was more important than he should be and Jungkook felt weird about it. He kept pushing the idea away, though, and focused on how nice Jimin was to him. The two started to trust each other and started to care way more than they ever thought they would.

Within these two weeks, their dance assignment also progressed. Jimin did most of the choreography since he used to study ballet as leisure, and Jungkook listened to the instructions well. Today was Monday and the boys were meant to practice at Jimin's house. They only had one week left until the dance was due. The song they chose was a slow song released a couple years ago but it was good enough to dance to. Jimin noticed how Jungkook failed to move in a  certain way a lot, almost as if Jungkook couldn't turn his body too much. Jimin was curious about it but didn't say anything. It was obvious Jungkook was in pain but he assumed it was because of post exercise muscle pain since Jungkook had gym earlier in the day.

When Jimin needed Jungkook to lift him up, the latter couldn't, due to the harsh pain in his abdomen. What Jungkook didn't tell Jimin was about how his father beat him and hurt him often because he failed to follow his expectations. Jungkook had nearly failed another chemistry test last week, and although he passed, his grade was too low and his father hated it. That resulted in Jungkook spending his weekend trying not to put too much pressure on his body.

After the many times Jungkook avoided lifting Jimin like he was told to, Jimin got suspicious and decided to experiment. Jimin brought the palm of his hand up and lightly smacked Jungkook's abdomen, resulting in the younger wincing. Jimin knew something was wrong because Jungkook winced from pain, and didn't flinch out of surprise. His heart started beating rapidly as he stopped Jungkook from practicing dance and made him stand still. Jungkook raised an eyebrow out of confusion but Jimin paid no mind as he brought his fingers to the hem of Jungkook's shirt and lifted it up without caring about Jungkook's reaction.

"Jimin, what are you-" It was too late when Jungkook realized what Jimin was doing. Jimin lifted the shirt and his eyes popped out when he saw blotches of red and purple bruises scattered all over Jungkook's abdomen. What hurt Jimin even more was the slight cuts caused from the metal part of the belt. Jimin saw the scars from the past beltings but it was too late for Jungkook to pull away. Jimin had already seen it all. Jungkook slightly cursed him for being so observant. Jungkook felt small again. He felt tiny under Jimin's judging gaze. Jimin brought the tip of his index finger to touch the darkest bruise and Jungkook's breath hitched. It was supposed to feel too intimate and wrong, but somehow, Jungkook didn't mind.

Jimin thought Jungkook's breath hitched due to pain and became furious. He was shocked at first but then realized some horrible person did that to him.

"Jungkook, who did this?" Jimin asked with his jaw clenched. If someone at school did this, he would find them and end them. Jimin didn't feel good knowing someone hurt his friend like this.

"N-no one," Jungkook pushed his shirt down and removed Jimin's hands. He took a step back and Jimin raised a taunting eyebrow.

"Did someone from school do this?" Jimin stepped forward towards Jungkook slowly.

"No," Jungkook shook his head and contemplated telling him the truth. What harm could it do? Jungkook didn't want to be seen as weak but Jungkook knew he already was. Jimin saw his self harming and so, he already knew how weak he is, according to Jungkook.

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