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That same day, Jungkook remained in little space the entire day. It was a new experience for Jimin but he enjoyed caring for Jungkook like this. Jungkook in little space had a special place in Jimin's heart. At the moment, it was five pm in the afternoon and the couple were in the bed, with Jungkook laying his head on Jimin's chest. The entire day was spent with the two playing hide and seek together, thanks to Jungkook and his puppy eyes. 

After Jimin ended up playing with Jungkook all day, the little still wore his cute blue onesie. They were cuddled up together watching an animated movie for Jungkook. The movie happened to be Tangled. 

"Koo is Rapunzel..." Jungkook spoke as he watched the movie. 

"Oh, yeah, and who am I?" Jimin asked with a chuckle. 

"Rapunzel's boyfriend," Jungkook answered simply. "And my uncle is the witch... Bad witch!" Jungkook said in his baby voice as Jimin mentally cooed at him. 

"Oh, baby, you're so adorable~" Jimin cooed as he pulled Jungkook up and cupped his cheek to kiss him slowly and full of love. 

"I love you~" Jimin whispered against Jungkook's lip, causing the little to grow red. 

"Really?" Jungkook tilted his head and had his signature pout.

"Yes!" Jimin chuckled as Jungkook giggled before laying on top of Jimin with his entire body. Jungkook wasn't that heavy so Jimin survived. 

Suddenly, they heard the front door unlock, causing them to jolt up. 

"My parents are home early... They kept to their promise!" Jimin said as Jungkook giggled, before dashing out the bedroom door to greet the parents. Jimin got worried for a second since Jungkook was in little space, his parents won't know what that is. What if they offend him or hurt his feelings, because  they have no idea how to handle him. 

Jimin immediately raced after Jungkook to hopefully get a chance to explain to his parents that Jungkook is a little. As Jimin ran down the stairs, he came to a stop when he reached the living room and saw Jungkook latching on to Mrs. Park in a bear hug, his face in the poor woman's neck as she stood there. 

"Pretty~" Jungkook cooed, as he hugged her tightly. 

"Uhm... Jimin... Is your boyfriend trying to steal my wife?" Mr. Park joked as he looked at Jungkook, amused. 

"N-no! He... Jungkook, sweetheart, could you go get my phone from upstairs... I forgot it," Jimin came up with an excuse as Jungkook detached from Mrs. Park. 

"Okay~" Jungkook sang as he walked towards the staircase, holding the railing with his hands that were covered with the sleeve of the onesie, walking upstairs carefully, one step at a time. 

Once Jungkook was out of earshot, Jimin immediately turned to his parents. 

"Please, don't be mean to him... He has a little space and he doesn't know when he's doing something to upset us," Jimin spoke as they looked at him. 

"What's that?" they both asked, not knowing what's a little space. 

"When... he is sad, tired or too stressed, he behaves little. Basically, it's his mind's way of coping with trauma and so he behaves like a young child. Like five or six, but my theory is that his little space makes him feel how he was when he was nine," Jimin spoke as his parents processed this new information. 

"Why do you think that?" Mrs. Park asked out of pure curiosity.

"Uh... There's something you don't know, but I trust you both... Jungkook used to be molested when he was younger and at that age, it started, so I assume when he's this way, he goes back to before this, when he was still innocent... Just don't mention it or make him feel bad. He doesn't know the difference between him now and him as a child, so if he behaves a bit too childish, just overlook it. He might also call me Daddy but don't take it wrong, it's just because his father used to abuse him and he doesn't have a fatherly bond so he calls me that since I'm a male," Jimin explained as he rushed through his sentences to finish before Jungkook came back. 

"Oh, that poor boy... I feel so sad for him... He seems so cute and kind. At least we understand now... But you won't leave him alone with us, so we can be sure that we won't hurt him since you can tell us when we're going too far. But we won't hurt his feelings if you're worried about that... We've never experienced this before so it might be nice to see," Mrs. Park tried to be optimistic. 

Suddenly, they heard padded footsteps coming down the stairs to see Jungkook still wearing his cute onesie, with his hood on his head, as he held Jimin's phone with two hands to not drop it.

"Daddy hid his phone from me! It was under Daddy's pillow,"  Jungkook spoke as he waddled over to Jimin to hand him his phone, and then latched himself onto Jimin to hold him. 

"Since we're home early... How about we cook dinner together as a family?" Mr. Park suggested as Jimin nodded. 

"Would you like that Koo?" Jimin asked his boyfriend as the younger nodded. 

"I guess we'll go shower and then we can cook together," Mrs. Park spoke excitedly. The older couple went up the stairs to their bedroom to shower. In that time, Jungkook rested his head on Jimin's shoulder as he looked up at him. 

"Can Koo call you Daddy in front of Daddy's parents?" Jungkook asked quietly as Jimin giggled. 

"Yes, you can!" Jimin responded as he brought Jungkook to the kitchen island to sit on the stool. 

"Koo thought he made a mistake when he called you Daddy..." Jungkook said as he looked down at his feet as he sat on the stool. 

"No, you didn't, it's okay... Be yourself..." Jimin pecked Jungkook's lips.

"Koo is scared..." Jungkook whispered. 

"Don't be scared, bunny. They'll love you~" Jimin sang as he kissed Jungkook's soft and pink lips before they awaited the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Park. 

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