Chapter 11: Sandwich

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Ichiro was a kind person, one that did not push or ask for much if at all. Instead, he kept his space from the younger girl next to him, letting her take things as slowly as she wanted. The only thing he did was occasionally talk to her or ask how she was doing. He was much different from his younger brother, acting more down-to-earth and modest than Rei would have been even on the best of days. (Y/n) didn't mind him so much, even smiling at his little remarks or when his stomach began rumbling.

The younger girl giggled at the noise and the way the male's cheeks turned red in embarrassment. He placed his hand on his stomach and looked concerned before he turned his gaze to the kitchen with a frown. The boy smiled, however, when his bunny rabbit hopped over to him, sniffling at his hands. He held the soft creature and placed a kiss on its head, the rabbit's ears twitching with curiosity.

"Did you want to get something to eat with me?" the blunette asked, "Or what would you like to eat?"

The younger girl didn't respond, leaving the choice to the male even though he was not quite satisfied with her silence. He felt as if he had done something wrong or that his company was not sparking enough. Some part of him also felt that she associated him with Rei and feared him or what he wanted to do with her. Still, he went ahead to order some food, making his way into his brother's study.

"Zuki, did you want something to eat?" he asked, opening the door just slightly.

The blonde did not respond, rubbing his hair with great stress, typing away at his computer. He was intently focused on finishing his work, but it seemed as though it would take more time than he would have liked. The older male had already worked countless nights and days, not being able to sleep, pulling many all-nighters. It was overly irritating for him, but the bluenette behind him worried about his health. He had not eaten, after all.

Ichiro gave a heavy sigh and nodded his head, knowing if the male didn't respond the first time, he wouldn't any other time. He left the room, venturing back to the living room where he sat on the couch. The blue-haired male pulled his knees into his chest and grumbled before the younger girl tilted her head. He seemed to find the action to be captivating, giving a smile at her unsaid questioning on what was bothering him. Despite that, he didn't speak, he appreciated the girl's silent compassion.

As they waited for their food to be delivered to them, they watched the television, the animal channel on. To (Y/n)'s surprise, the male was largely focused on the information being fed to him. His legs were crossed, his face leaning forward almost as if he would fall flat on his face on the floor. Still, he seemed keenly aware of his surroundings although it didn't prevent him from falling when the doorbell rang.

The male skipped over to the delivery boy and gladly paid him for the pizza he had bought. He carried the bag of food over to the younger girl and placed a box of cheesy goodness onto the glass table. The boy also placed a large helping of arugula salad down next to it as well. He then clapped his hands together and muttered a thanks for the food he was about to eat, his eyes closed and a serious look on his face.

"Thank you our eternal flower Ezdia for this blessing of food and for the new friend I have now to share it with," he said, "I will honor your contributions to me and my brother and hear your plea of kindness and beauty. As for my love for you and your nature, I refuse to eat the blood or meat of any other living being. Please accept my gratitude."

The blunette clapped his hands two times and lowered his head before his eyes opened again and he smiled. He brought three plates over to the table, placing one in front of (Y/n), his rabbit, and himself. Taking a handful of salad, he placed it on the bunny's plate, the animal happily munching on it. Afterward, he served himself, leaving the (h/c) haired girl to do the same herself.

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