Chapter 20: Conversations Over Dinner

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Kazuki was seated down in a lavish restaurant, servants standing behind him to cater to his every need. It was one of the best in the city, one that only the richest could afford. Ichiro wasn't fond of the location, finding it too stuffy and posh for his tastes, and while the blonde would tend to agree, the ravenette he was meeting with was prone to expensive tastes, especially women. On that note, he and Kazuki were quite similar. At least, they used to be. Kazuki wasn't so sure expensive women were the best any longer.

Nonetheless, as the blonde had his dinner placed in front of him as well as the ravenette's meal, he couldn't help but smile at his presence. The two were close, very close, though they didn't give that information out so willingly. They were viewed as polar opposites in the eyes of society, one the elder brother of a king and the other the heir to a large criminal yakuza group, both thought of as high clientele. However, they'd known each other for a few years, more than enough to form a strong bond between themselves.

"Fuck, this looks good," the ravenette cursed, "Nothin' like this a hundred miles of where I slum it."

"I'd hardly call it 'slumming it'," Kazuki chuckled, drinking a glass of ice water, "You live in a three-floor multi-million dollar mansion, Mr. Gensai."

"You build the fucking place, asshole?"

Although the ravenette was awfully harsh in his nicknames, the blonde knew he meant well. It was only how he was raised, surrounded by tons of like-minded people that influenced him. By no means did it make him any less intelligent. Rather, it made him the cunning mastermind he was. That fact was precisely why he was the best to go to for the conundrum Kazuki found himself in.

"Anyway, cut it with that Gensai crap. You know I hate my old man's name. What'd you need anyway? Wouldn't call me all the way over here for some steak. Find yourself in trouble?"

"Perceptive and blunt, same old, same old. I'd like your typical services."

The ravenette almost spit out his drink when thinking about all the possibilities the blonde could have meant. The first, of course, being the most vulgar of any option, something far more unlike the typical and composed royal. In fact, the ravenette almost found it impossible except for the fact that he knew Kazuki was a one-girl kind of man. Well, the ravenette knew that, but he also knew his girl had gone six feet under two years back.

"Want a woman, hah?" he teased, giving a chuckle.

"N-No, that's not quite what I meant," the blonde blushed, his eyes darting to the side at the suggestion, "I was referring to your information gathering."

"You're no fun, but I get it. What'd you need it for? Or is it a who?"

"I'm...concerned about my brother. Ichi and I think he's...he's forced himself on a woman. There's also an indication he hurt her fairly often. Do you think you could look into it?"

"I'd love to help you out. There's not an issue as long as the money's good. I'd give you it for free, but my old man would throw a hissy fit. Anyway, all I need to know is the girl's name, her full name if you will."

The blonde nodded, but due to the fact that he didn't know about the girl's name, he stepped out of the restaurant and called his brother. Ichiro had a difficult time finding it, but she eventually told him with a suspicious look. Nonetheless, the blonde knew her last name and already had a valid picture of her. He had been discreet in taking it, but he knew it would be in handy sooner or later. The blonde then returned to the table.

"Her name is (Y/n) Shiratori, age 17, went to Keisetsu Private High School before Rei took her to Vethela. She has (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes, around (h/t) feet tall," Kazuki repeated, looking off the notes he copied down on his phone.

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