Q & A

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Do you have any idea of whose story you're writing after this one?

Well, considering that I had written Rei's sequel in this book, I was planning to do Haru's, especially because Orion is the major rival there. However, considering the overwhelming support for Shota, I will likely be doing his. Takuya was definitely the most requested, but I'm more prepared for Shota than him, so the order will most likely be Shota, Haru, then Takuya, and obviously Akari. Then I may do Yusei's and ???'s accomplice. That being said, I'm leaning towards having Yusei as a male reader book. We'll see how it plays out.

What were those tattoos on Ichi's back?

Those were given to him by a very special someone. While he was not aware of them, they are the cause for why he becomes violent without meaning to. Think of it as an experiment of sorts. It failed, but it paved the way for an even better test in which succeeded. They are written in an ancient language that is only known to one mythical and powerful species. In any case, you'll find out during a certain someone's sequel.

Who was that entity Rei talked to at that one chapter where he's chatting with his Great Uncle Mica, where it said the demon smiled at the mention of (Y/n)? Will we see him again? Or was he the mysterious one Kazu interacted with at the observatory? If all of these are a secret later to be revealed, then is the entity an important character in some way?

Oh, boy >///<. This question is similar to the second one below. However, he is typically referred to as Zydon. You will most definitely see him again. In fact, he will likely be in every book, already having been mentioned in Macabre Moonlight. He interacted with not only Kazuki but also Rei and Ichiro. I would probably go so far as to say that he is at least equally as important as (Y/n) in this series. However, in order to find out why, one will need to decipher the secrets littered almost everywhere in my writing. Secrets can be found in the sequels, Insatiable Headcanons, clues scattered on my profile, etc.

Who was that man that was trying to team up with Zuki? Is he ???'s familiar/helper?

I'd actually say it's the opposite of what you're thinking. That supposed demon that approached Kazuki is referred to as Zydon. While he may be ???'s accomplice, it's not out of compassion or strong bonds. In fact, it's more like they feel apathy to one another but they work together due to the need for a mutual relationship. They each get something out of it.

What does the place underneath the castle contain or hold or what is it exactly?

The Demon's Playhouse is the place under the castle. Rei used to go there all the time to discover secrets he wasn't supposed to know. Truth be told, that is where Zydon (see above) resides most of the time, carrying out experiments and theories. It holds many different etchings about the past, legends, and the royal family's lineage. In addition to Zydon, other beings reside there as well, namely to bother him, but they have appeared throughout the book, especially in chapters that mainly revolve around Ichiro.

What actually happened to Mica? How is it related to Orion's death?

Some of you believe that Mica is responsible for Orion's death, and that may very well be true. He certainly believes it, at least. However, both were not killed by any foul play. On the contrary, Mica committed suicide, as was stated. He drowned himself in the pond in the royal garden out of guilt for why Orion died. Likewise, the orange-haired baby of the royal family dies from his weak constitution after catching an illness his body couldn't handle. That being said, the reasoning for these things will become clear in Haru and Orion's sequel.

Why does Rei seem to know more about the dark side of the castle like his great uncle?

Rei is mischievous in nature. Unlike Kazuki, who tends to err on the side of caution, he likes to go where he isn't supposed to. It's one of the reasons he took up motorcycling. It's hardly a respectable pastime in the royal family. Rei also looks up to his great uncle and tends to put more pride in the fact that he is descended from Ezdia. He enjoys stories and legends, wanting to seek them out, and he does. If Ichiro had been privy to this information, he likely would have tried to seek it out as well.

Is Kazuki's girlfriend a gold digger or just a bitch?

Neither. In fact, I wouldn't classify Moriko as good or bad. In Kazuki's opinion, she was an angel until she betrayed him. And in Ichiro's opinion, she was a demon until she betrayed Zuki. Moriko is neither good nor bad. She did support Kazuki as much as she could, being loving and appreciative for him, but she started to fear him after he continually killed everyone she acquainted herself with. It became lonely when he worked nonstop sometimes, and often, she turned to someone else. And for the gold digger part, Moriko was born as the only daughter of a wealthy Afruan businessman. She's used to wealth and expects it. Both Moriko and Kazuki knew that when they entered a relationship.

Are the boys human?

What an interesting question. I responded before that Rei was indeed human. However, the question is not so simple. If you asked if the royal family was human or not, I would tell you that no, they are not. But if you asked about individuals, the question would remain in the air. Yes, I would call Rei, Kazuki, and Ichiro human in much the same way I would call myself Italian by blood. But the question is...what does that really mean?

Are we going to get more moments with the boys?

Yes, of course. If you haven't already, there's a book of mine titled "Insatiable". While I created that one purely for the sake of plot and not as complex or rich in ideas or literary devices - meaning it's less intricate - it does have plenty of Rei moments, Kazuki and Ichiro popping up in a chapter or two. Aside from that, the Insatiable Headcanons will have one-shots, lemons, and, obviously, headcanons. Obviously, like Hotaka, Kota, and others who appeared in this book, Kazuki and Ichiro will also be in others' books, especially when Orion's turn comes around.

Out of all the boys in this book, who's your favorite? And if you don't have a favorite, who is your least favorite?

Well, I actually was very apathetic to both of Rei's brothers at first, but the more their personality developed and the more little flaws and traits I was able to give them, the more I fell in love with writing about them. But overall, out of all of my books - at least thus far - my favorite character is Kazuki. I'm sure you'll notice that despite being a relatively new character, he still has more one-shots than even Shota and Takuya - who were the first ones introduced. I believe that's because Kazuki has a lot in common with me. An elder sibling trying to both protect and give a good example to their siblings, but at the same time, struggling with providing a good example to them at all times. It also so happens that he lets me run free as a writer with symbolism and deep thinking to formulate his intricate character. 

This is the same for Orion. I had intended on killing him off for the sake of Rei becoming king with no obstacles. But I realized that I needed a rival for Shota and Haru, since I had already figured out the personalities and backgrounds of every other individual's rivals. Obviously, Shota and Orion have nothing in common, but they also aren't polar opposites. Hence why I immediately looked to Haru. I wanted to create a contrast between technology and nature, sickness and health, selfishness and selflessness, etc. So since deciding Orion would be a rival, he is very close to my heart.

As for least favorites, I'll have to go with Kota Kita for now simply because I'm not sure what direction his character is going. He was the last rival I came up with and I've spent far more time working out the kinks in other individuals. That being said, I do not despise him or anything. He's just the newest and I'm not yet used to him is all.

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