Chapter 28: Family History

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The hospital wasn't a place that was particularly fun for Ichiro to remain in. There were no windows in his room, and getting fresh air wasn't an option. No plants or animals were in the area nor was there any semblance of anything but human nature and construction. It was just concrete to the blunette, and he would have left as soon as possible, ditching it with joy, but there was one thing that delighted him about the place.

(Y/n) had proved better for him than a doctor. He didn't feel any sort of hopelessness in the pit of his heart or despondency at his situation. In fact, he rather enjoyed the attention she gave him, and when she played with his hair, he felt at peace. He sighed as she twisted one of his blue locks around her finger, feeling the fine texture of it and observing how the color changed depending on the lighting. It fascinated her, and he wasn't complaining.

The boy in question was laying down on the younger girl, his face buried in her upper stomach. He hadn't moved since the previous night, and luckily, the (h/c) haired girl didn't seem to have a problem with his wish to stay with her. She only comforted him when he wanted it. While he didn't talk, he would tug on her sleeve and tilt his head so she began to pet him or play with his hair. He couldn't seem to get enough of it.

"Athain is a very boring place," he huffed childishly, "How do you stand it?"

"You sound like your mother," the younger girl chuckled, rolling her eyes, "except she hated my Athain appearance."

"Mumma tends to be a little...racist," the boy mumbled, "She and pappa weren't very happy with each other, so she doesn't really like anything having to do with Athain. Aunt Verona used to be worse though. She said if her baby didn't have orange hair like Pop-pop or blue hair like Nana, she'd put it up for adoption."

"I'm not surprised. Every time your aunt looked at me, I felt like she wanted to strangle me."

"She probably did."

The comment that the older male made did not put the girl at ease, but she couldn't help but chuckle at the way he handled the thought. He had a guilty expression on his face as if he felt responsible for his family and apologized by nuzzling her stomach. However, the instant she pet his head, he would cheer up instantly, his smile bright and wide. He really did live for attention, that being one of the reasons he loved Kazuki so much.

"My momma and aunt are really mean sometimes," the bluenette asked, beginning to frown again, "No one picked on you, did they?"

"Not too much. Just a lot of glaring is all. Everyone else was really nice."

"Tell me?"

The younger girl didn't notice the spark in the male's eyes that signaled some kind of tenseness. He was fearful of what his family was like after being away from them for so long, and if he heard something he didn't like, he would hold onto it. The bluenette never was good at smiling at people he bore a grudge against. And he bore grudges for quite some time. It wouldn't be easy to get off of his hook.

Then again, as Ichiro thought about it more, it was a trait he had in common with his younger brother. The thought almost made him sick, but the more he imagined it, it made sense. On the other side of the spectrum, Kazuki was a saint. He would always smile and forgive someone, reaching his hand out like a proverbial olive branch. It made the bluenette blush and stick his cheeks out like a chipmunk. In comparison, he was nothing more than a petty child.

"Orion is really sweet," the younger girl chuckled, tilting her head just a bit prompting the older male's breath to hitch in his throat, "I'd go on walks in the garden and he'd be there. I showed him how to make a crane, and his eyes lit up. Sometimes he asks for origami lessons, and he's always there to listen to my problems. He made my day a lot."

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