Chapter 55: Monopoly

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The next morning, Rei found that his cupcake wasn't in bed with him. He typically woke up with his arm over her waist and her small hands grabbing at his bed. She was so clingy to him almost every day, sometimes attempting to coerce him into staying with her by giving him small kisses. If he could have, he would have enjoyed being in bed with her all day, cuddling her, and keeping her all to himself.

However, in that situation, the blonde was overly concerned with her absence. He had made sure that guards would be around her at all times whether she was aware of it or not. That being said, he was lost on where she could have gone so early in the morning. It wasn't like her to stray from his side or leave without him. Pulling himself out of his bed, he stretched his arms behind his back and let out a faint yawn, looking at himself in the newly replaced mirror for the one he'd broken.

He appeared far less stressed and as handsome as he typically was. No more were there any bags under his eyes or overly pale skin. Rei was the charismatic royal he had always been, fascinating his subjects with his handsome appearance. He smirked. Surely (Y/n) admired his good looks as well. They were all hers, after all. She must have been the luckiest girl in the world to have him at her feet.

The blonde had his servants change him into something simple so he could find the younger girl. While he would have been concerned and panicking, running around the place like a chicken with its head cut off, he wasn't worried. Rather, he just wanted to know if she was stressed from being without him. It would have been flattering, surely, but he wanted her cheerful and satisfied in his home, always and forever.

As he made his way through the halls, his assistant trailed behind him, holding a clipboard for the day's agenda. He said nothing, knowing that the blonde's focus was on finding the younger girl, and would have despised being interrupted. Still, he was calm, asking if anyone had seen her. When a maid showed him the way, he was further relaxed, holding his head high as he walked into the area he knew all too well.

There, the (h/c) haired girl was baking some kind of sweet breakfast with waffles and raspberries. It was awfully appealing to the male, smiling happily as he dismissed both the maid and his assistant, wanting some alone time with her. He rarely got any, so it was only fair that he got to experience a bit more romance than his typical life consisted of. As he moved forward, he threw his arms around the younger girl's waist, nuzzling his cheek against her.

"Good morning, cupcake!" he giggled, "Were you cooking for me? Oh, I just love you so much."

It was more than obvious that the male was in his lovely dovey mood, unafraid to show any emotion or thoughts he had on his mind. As he hugged her tightly, his heart began to escalate quickly, his cheeks rosy, and his head in the clouds. There was nothing better than waking up to her doing something for him. It was made even better by her shy response to his affections, the cute squeals and chuckles she made that only made him pepper her face with kisses. Oh, how he loved her!

"Come on, come on!" he giggled, nuzzling his nose into her neck, "Tell me you love me, too! I know you do~!"

"I love you!" she responded, unable to control her laughter when he began to tickle her, "I love you! Stop it, Rei!"

"I don't know...I don't think I believe you yet."

Despite his teasing, the blonde could hear the affection in her voice. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't control it, escaping her lips and gracing his ears with the pleasure sheer fondness brought. Either way, he was bound to love her, attached to her addicting presence like a moth to a flame. He might have been burned alive, but he found he enjoyed the feeling. It was not a fleeting love, one that he would have taken to his grave, and yet, it stirred such purpose in him. How strange it all was.

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