Chapter 21: The Zoo

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Ichiro was bouncing off the walls when (Y/n) served breakfast. In much the same way, Chariot and Mona were running amok around the penthouse, causing much chaos in their wake. Nonetheless, the bluenette dug into the meal, scarfing it down with gasps for air every now and then. He was very enthusiastic about eating the younger girl's cooking, especially if it was a Vethelan recipe.

It was even better when he heard the elevator open, seeing Kazuki step into the penthouse. He looked less exhausted than usual and had a small smile on his lips at seeing his younger brother inhale his food. The blonde placed down his bag on the counter and took out his computer, charging it. He then made his way into his room to shower and change into his pajamas as per usual, coming out with slightly damp hair, drying it with a white towel.

"We really ought to start paying you for making our dinners," the older male sighed though he had a grateful grin, "It's very much appreciated. Ichiro tends to be far too picky for his own good."

"It's not necessary," the girl mumbled quietly, holding her hand to her face defensively and shyly.

"Then perhaps an allowance of sorts? I'd like to pay you back for everything."

(Y/n) didn't react, simply hunched her shoulders up in an uncomfortable manner, her eyes refusing to make contact with any part of the older male. Kazuki gave a guilt-ridden look before he rubbed the back of his neck, letting out an uncomfortable aura settle over the apartment. The younger girl contributed to the unsettling atmosphere, especially as she felt the need to rush back to her room.

"Zuki, I want to go to the zoo!" Ichiro declared, clinging to his older brother, "You told me you'd take me, remember? You promised when we were getting ready for bed!"

"It's hard to forget," the blonde chuckled, patting the bluenette's hair affectionately, "You only make me repeat my promises about ten to twenty times, but yes, I remember. We can go after lunch. I have a few meetings though, so you'll have to be patient. Can you do that?"

"Mhm! Hurry up and finish!"

The older male rolled his eyes playfully at the impatient nature the younger boy possessed, especially when it contradicted his promise. That being said, he had no problem with leaving the bluenette to his devices while he left to enter his study. In the meantime, he trusted the (h/c) haired girl to keep him out of trouble. If all were to fail, at the very least, he could bribe him with his favorite snacks, not that it would keep him from whining.

It was both amusing and a task to deal with Ichiro when he acted like a child most of the time. He was dependent and couldn't stand being alone, prompting him to need someone with him at almost all times of the day. The bluenette would often whine for things he wanted or pout when he didn't get something despite the fact he was an adult and could take care of himself financially. That being said, the male could be surprisingly mature in some situations, something that was more than valuable to Kazuki. He smiled sadly at the thought.

Not too long after the blonde had finished his meetings, making notes to fix some issues and attend more than his fair share of presentations the next day. Taking a day off to go to the zoo had its drawbacks, that was for sure, but if Ichiro wanted it with all of his heart, he wouldn't deny him. Besides, it was a good opportunity for him to observe (Y/n) without her noticing or being bothered too much.

As the three of them arrived at the zoo, the (h/c) haired girl began to observe everything around her. She didn't know if she was fond of the prospect of being outside in a likely crowded area or if she would see any familiar faces. The prospect was more than just unlikely considering she was on the other side of the country from where she previously lived, but it didn't stop the thought from popping up in her mind.

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