Kazuki's Ending: Siren's Song

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Kazuki gave a gentle smile at the information he had been given. By no means was it pretty or overwhelmingly simple, but it gave him the relief he had been seeking. He was the only one who knew what (Y/n) really was. The male could finally say he knew the younger girl better than she knew herself. It brought tears to his eyes, and despite the pain he felt and the not-so-subtle disorientation he experienced, he was still happy.

Perhaps it was a foolish thing for him to do - making a trade with a supposed demon - the risks innumerable. Yet he had emerged better off than he had been before. The blonde didn't care what happened to him as long as he could protect the (h/c) haired girl. She had become his everything, occupying his mind far more than he would have liked to admit. The very thought of her felt like fireworks in his heart, energy coursing through him. And now he knew why.

He walked through the corridors of the castle with wobbly legs. It wasn't as though he hadn't walked before, but since he had been able to - and even since before then - he hadn't lost something so crucial to living. In the wilderness of nature, he would have been killed long before getting to see the younger girl. Still, he wouldn't call it a disability. It only made him stronger in resolve and appreciation.

That being said, there were clearly some things he would need to get used to. As he closed his eyes while the image of (Y/n) flooded his mind, he bumped into a servant, falling backward. He hit his head on the floor, the sharp pain ringing uncomfortably. Wincing, he looked at his hands with shock. It didn't feel so natural to move them any longer. Even the touch of the servant who attempted to help him back up made him shiver with fear. He didn't like it.

Ignoring the servant who tried to usher him to the royal doctors, the blonde trudged on with a terrified expression. He held his arms tightly, his shoulders sinking in with insecurity. It was like he was trying to protect himself from any number of blind spots he possessed. Though it hardly worked as a shield, he was beginning to see how drastically his life would change. Just what had he done to himself?

The more he ran into others, the more he felt isolated. His eyes dilated with every encounter he made, running away with tears flooding his vision. How wrong he was. In gaining something precious, he lost something essential to him. The male felt the urge to throw himself off the balcony. It was too much to process at once, the sudden onset of affliction tearing him apart from the inside.

He stumbled around, terrified of even himself. The blonde could barely maneuver his own limbs. It was as if he had been reborn into the world, but he had to give up what he never knew he valued. Eventually, he found himself rushing to the only thing he knew could hold him together. (Y/n) was bound to be somewhere in the garden, wasn't she? He went as fast as he could to hopefully catch a glimpse of her. She would drive away all feelings of hopelessness lingering in his heart, replacing it with utter affection and faith.

. . .

The (h/c) haired girl was wandering around aimlessly. She wasn't entirely certain what she was doing or where she wanted to go, but when she saw coral hair pass by her eyes, she gave an astonished gaze. Presley appeared so different than the other times she had seen him. He was so professional, doling out responsibilities to servants and staff alike. Composed and mature, he impressed the younger girl, drawing her curiosity.

She followed him around, observing how competent he was at his job. For a former king's guard, he was exceptionally good at management. Her eyes sparkled with admiration. He must have been highly valued in the castle. The younger girl soon found the male looking back at her with a small chuckle. Putting aside his duties momentarily, the male walked towards her with a joyful smile.

"I was hoping I might catch you today," the coral-haired male hummed, handing the younger girl a wrapped box, "A present."

"That, it is."

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