Chapter 25: Secrets Are Meant To Be Kept, Little Boy

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(Y/n) looked to the side in disbelief at the sound of what Ichiro had just uttered. He made it seem like a place that drove a man mad or a child to stab another. His eyes were shaking as much as the rest of him, but he had a look more akin to a dark hatred than a fear. Perhaps it was both and he knew how to conceal the former, but there was one thing that was more true of anything else. Rei was selective in his treatment.

"What did he do to you?" the bluenette asked again, his voice laced not with concern as it usually was but with a serious air that overtook the atmosphere's lively mood, "Did he hurt you?"


"Did he make you do something you didn't want to?"


"Did he drag you down beneath the castle and make you beg to end everything?!" the male asked, violently banging his hands against the table and standing up so suddenly the chair he was seated in fell to the floor, "Did he show you the monsters and beasts that - "

The bluenette suddenly froze at the sight of black hair, contrasted only by the accent of red mixed in the medium locks. It wasn't a color. It was a dripping liquid, the sound of it falling to the floor paralyzing the male. His eyes shrank, his breathing became rapid, and his legs threatened to come out from under him. As the male turned his head just slightly, he saw a flash of a smirk before it vanished, along with a sinister laugh that only he could hear, tormenting him still.

Out of nowhere, Ichiro stumbled to the floor, grasping at his heart before pulling his hand away and staring down at it. Although it was only for a moment, he saw red covering his hands, blood dripping from his fingertips to the ground and reflecting the sight of his unconscious self bleeding out. It wasn't a vision of the future nor one of the present, but of the past, the memories flooding the bluenette's head. He cried a blood-curdling scream, clutching at his head and mumbling frantically under his breath, but he wasn't the only one to experience temporary insanity.

(Y/n) froze upon feeling something on her shoulder, but when she turned to see what it was, there was nothing at all. That being said, she still felt the presence, feeling it as it reacted strangely. It was almost like it was surprised, and then it clenched down painfully on her shoulder, making her whimper and try to brush whatever it was off of her. It did not work. The feeling only escalated before she felt another cold feeling on her skin, this time her neck. Before she knew it, she saw her own blood rushing down from the area, but when she blinked, it disappeared, replaced with a searing pressure that resided until she blacked out.

. . .

Out of nowhere, Kazuki's assistant rushed into his office and told him that his younger brother and (Y/n) had collapsed at a cafe and were rushed to the hospital. What was he supposed to think at the news? Without hesitation, he left everything and sprinted to his car, driving well past the speed limit to get to the hospital. The drive was unbearable, the thought of his younger brother being in pain enough to cause him some of his own, knives stabbing into his heart with every dejected thought or theory.

Were they attacked? Did someone try to kill them? Did Rei find out about (Y/n)? Kazuki hadn't a single clue, and he was unusually impatient with the hospital staff that told him he had to wait. It didn't take him long before he stopped arguing and marched past the staff to where his brother and the (h/c) haired girl were. He was shocked to see the younger girl hooked up to a bag of blood and his brother to be strapped to the bed. It was like they thought the bluenette was insane.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but you really shouldn't be here," a nurse panicked, trying to push the blonde out of the room, "Either one of them could go into a critical condition at any given point in time."

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