Chapter 24: What Goes Around Comes Around

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Ichiro was seated on the floor (h/c) haired girl's room, playing with a pencil while staring at a sketchbook. He'd already drawn a form of a woman's body, excluding certain features, of course, but he was having more than a little trouble composing an according design. The only thing he did while he sat was bang his head softly against the younger girl's bed as if it would give him any ideas.

(Y/n) was observing the bluenette occasionally, looking up from a novel she'd borrowed from their library. At the same time, the television was on in the background, causing some background noise for her to feel as if the room was lively. While living with Rei, she had come to resent and despair silence as well, but she wasn't as prone to violence during it as he was. In fact, in some ways it calmed her, in others, it made her high-strung and unnerved.

"I just don't know," the male sighed, giving a groan, "I can't think of anything."

"It'll come to you," the younger girl chuckled, giving the male a pat on the head, "I just know it."

"That's what Zuki said, but I'm still here with nothing!" the bluenette huffed, rolling around on the ground as if it would spark creativity within himself.

Of course, the action did nothing of the sort. In fact, he seemed to think that it maybe created a block in his imagination, one that prevented him from working. If only Kazuki could have used the same excuse to get a day off of work. The blonde had already left the building, as per usual, and was at his office, working the day away, another thing all too common for him. Yet the younger girl had no idea what it was he did. It made her frustratingly curious, but she couldn't very well ask him because he wasn't there, and sifting through his study was out of the question.

"Well, I suppose I'm obligated to ask," the younger girl chuckled, peering down at the male giving huffs and scoffs as his mind remained blank, "but would there be anything that could help you get ideas?"

"Ah!" the blunette grinned, popping up and sitting with straight posture, giving a silly expression, "Actually, there is! See, I've been meaning to stop by my shop, but...truth be told, I'm pretty lazy sometimes. Would you mind coming with me to keep me on track?"

"We have to go outside?" the girl said quietly, the words out of her mouth like a despairing whisper.

"Well, yeah, but I'll be with you the whole time, I promise! And we'll be in my private shop. My employees are super nice, and they'll treat you like a princess."

The (h/c) haired girl was still entirely too skeptical about leaving the penthouse, especially when it involved seeing other people and potentially being in a crowded atmosphere. That being said, the bluenette had never lied to her before - that she knew of - and she was more keen on helping him for what she did for him. It was because of that reasoning that the younger girl reluctantly nodded her head.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," he grinned, standing up to leave her to change.

When she finished, she left the room and made her way to the elevator where Ichiro waited. Although surprising, she did find out that the bluenette, indeed, had a driver's license as well as an expensive car. It was the same brand as his brother had, some kind of Kōresa car. Surprisingly luxurious, the younger girl took time analyzing the interior of the car. She couldn't have guessed how much the car was, but it seemed much more than any other kind of car she'd ever been in, besides a few limos. Rei had never been big on anything but carriages and limousines.

The bluenette wasn't a bad driver, able to focus on the road with minimal road rage, humming quietly to the music on the radio. The younger girl counted every second that it had taken to arrive at the shop in which the male parked. It took a total of 14 minutes and 27 seconds, including stoplights and the time until it took for the car to be turned off. As Ichiro led her to the shop, a little jingle was heard upon opening the door.

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