Chapter 32: Caveat

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(Y/n) waited patiently at the penthouse for Ichiro and Kazuki to arrive back to Athain. They were on a plane and had been on it the entire day, something that must have been tiring for them, but she was awfully lonely. Truth be told, she debated whether or not she would pounce on the bluenette and cuddle him to death for leaving her alone for so long. The only companions she had were Chariot and Mona, and the latter wasn't well apt at socializing.

She sat on the couch most of the day, grumbling incoherently as Chariot burrowed himself in her lap, snuggling against her stomach while his nose twitched from time to time. The television was on, but she wasn't paying attention to it, more focused on passing time as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it only seemed to make time tick by more slowly, and she only became more impatient as time passed.

When finally, she heard the elevator ding, she lit up like a lantern and rushed to the two males that had entered, one of them grinning wide as he saw the girl rushing to him. He had hoped she would have missed him, but he truly didn't expect that she would hug him tightly. Kazuki gave a flinch and directed a warning glance to his brother, but the bluenette didn't care at the moment. He only hugged the (h/c) haired girl back, watching as Mona and Chariot stood by his feet, welcoming him back with sniffles or meows.

"Hi, guys! I'm back!" he chuckled, placing his right hand on the younger girl's head.

The male was stunned for a moment as he felt her hair for what felt like the first time. He hadn't realized how soft it would be or how well-groomed she was. Attempting not to get caught idolizing her hair, the male intertwined his fingers in her hair, exploring it subtly with adoring eyes. He was solely focused on how such a small part of her felt, and it took up his interest, prompting Mona to gradually meow louder and louder for his attention.

"Calm down," Ichiro scoffed, picking up his cat and giving it a kiss or two on its head, "I'm here, aren't I?"

Mona replied in a snarky meow then jumped from his arms to the ground, beginning to lay sideways down on the floor, grooming herself. She ignored the bluenette making his way to the couch, licking her paw and cleaning her head with it. It wasn't long before Chariot bounced over to the slightly bigger creature who prompted to place its paw on him before licking its fur. The bunny rabbit gave a sniffle but he enjoyed the act of being cleansed by its guardian.

In the meantime, Ichiro sat down on the couch with (Y/n), his cheeks bright pink as she clutched onto his arm. The younger girl wasn't at all intent on leaving him, wanting to spend as much time as possible with him. The feeling was mutual, the both of them watching animal channels and playing board games. It was better than being alone, the time spent together prompting them to have uncontrollable smiles and laughs.

Through the night, they stayed up as much as they could until they collapsed on the couch. Well, the (h/c) haired girl collapsed, sleeping peacefully all cuddled into the blue-haired male. She breathed softly, her hair perfectly in place. It gave the older male the perfect opportunity to observe every little thing about her. He couldn't stop smiling every time she snuggled into him when she got cold or when she subconsciously grabbed onto his shirt when she was scared or lonely.

Sooner or later, Kazuki entered the living room, unable to sleep but noticeably tired. He glanced over to his younger brother, watching the way he stared hopefully at the younger girl. It wasn't love. At least, it wasn't love when it came to the blonde's standards. It was simply that the bluenette hoped she would satisfy his desire for someone that adored him, but not too much. There was a fine line that he wanted, and most under or overshot it by far too much. There was no telling what the younger girl he held would become, but the older male didn't like her chances.

"You really ought not to carry all your eggs in one basket."

"Would you rather me drop the basket myself and kill all my hope?" the bluenette asked quietly, tracing the (h/c) haired girl's face with a gentle touch, "I won't know unless I try."

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