Chapter 18: Homesick

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(Y/n) woke up in her bed in the late morning. She recalled that she rested against Ichiro the night before. The bluenette was very kind, tending to her every need and ensuring she was perfectly fine and safe. He placed her head against his shoulder, letting her rest quietly while he let a nature documentary play in the background. The male was encouraging her to do whatever she wanted in his presence. The only thing she did, however, was hold her arms around her the way Rei did. Every now and then a tear would slip from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks without a peep from her.

Kazuki would have stayed, but the overwhelming guilt in him prompted him to leave. Although (Y/n) wasn't aware of such a fact, she understood he was just as wary of her as she was of him. Nevertheless, she slightly wished he would have stayed. He wasn't the same build as Rei and was bigger, but his hair and face were quite similar, and she wanted the feel of the younger male around. She missed him dearly and in more ways than one but it didn't quite register in her mind yet. Rather, it remained as an enigma unsolved in her mind.

Ichiro was in a very good mood, however. The ability to have physical touch with her was more than he ever would have expected. He didn't have to rely on Kazuki for it any longer, and he had woken up earlier than usual. The male was more than excited to see the younger girl again and start a new relationship with her. She was attached to him the previous night, and he severely hoped she would be the same the next morning.

The younger male perked up upon hearing the younger girl leave her room. She made her way to the kitchen, starting breakfast. The girl made note of the fact that Kazuki had already left for work, but she made food for him as well in case he returned when they were asleep. Ichiro watched her working, a beam on his face as he mildly jumped on the couch with his knees. He couldn't wait for her to be done so he could spend time with her.

As she served the plates on the table, he looked from side to side when she sat down directly next to him and hooked her arm on one of his. She didn't begin to eat, she only curled up against him and looked down. The younger girl was clingy, but he didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, he took a lot of delight in it, letting her touch him with his permission. He just couldn't stop smiling.

"Feel free to use me as your own personal teddy bear," he beamed, rubbing his head against hers playfully, "I really like hugs, so you can have one whenever you want. In fact, you can do it when I'm sleeping though it's a bit weird. Oh, but I did the same with Zuki - I mean, I still do, but I don't think Zuki would let you hug him while he's sleeping. He'll start crying, you know. I mean, I didn't say that, okay? Don't tell him I said that?"

The male continued rambling, an embarrassed blush on his face while his eyes darted from side to side before he changed the conversation. Instead, he began talking about random facts he knew about one animal or another. Mona joined him, sitting down on his lap and swatting at (Y/n) lightly, almost playfully. At least, that was the way Ichiro saw it, but the younger girl could tell the cat wanted her gone and not touching the bluenette. In response, she clung further onto him.

Ichiro wasn't complaining. A beautiful girl was pressing up against him, clinging to him, and even showing signs of jealousy. Perhaps he didn't see it that way, thinking of the (h/c) haired girl as more of a new companion, but the back of his mind couldn't help but register the event. If it wasn't for Kazuki, he would have been more attention-starved than he was; however, it was clear he could always take some more affection.

"I'm glad you're opening up," he chuckled bashfully, "I'd like us to be closer. It's nice to have someone else, right?"

The younger girl nodded quickly and the male smiled at her agreement. He enjoyed having her respond to him, especially as she was quite distant to him beforehand. The idea that she would reach out to him was groundbreaking. The next step would have been hearing her voice for the very first time. To hear her speak to him would have blown his mind, especially when he thought about Rei.

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