Chapter 17: Easily Excitable

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As Kazuki had left for his work, Ichiro began preparing for the "family night", running around to place games on the table. He had also concocted a large shopping list in which he dragged (Y/n) out for in the afternoon. She took subtle joy in watching him grin widely and do all he could do to collect the perfect snacks, drinks, even treats for his pets. The younger girl was also told to take whatever she wanted, the male promising to pay for it all. In fact, he really wanted her to and went so far as to encourage her.

"I'm not strapped for cash, I promise," he pleaded, "You should enjoy yourself more. Please, please, please, at least let me buy you one thing."

The (h/c) haired girl gave a sigh and looked around the aisles for anything she could find that she actually liked. When she came across a fizzy drink she rather liked, she picked it up and guiltily set it in the cart. Despite the fact she'd been spoiled rotten by Rei, she wasn't raised to be like that and was always finding ways to conserve her budget. She wasn't so keen on spending money that wasn't for essentials, but Ichiro was begging with her to let him get her something. In that regard, he bore some similarities to his younger brother.

While the bluenette wanted to buy tons of junk food, the younger girl also requested to go to the grocery store. She didn't speak, obviously, but she made sure to tug on his sleeve and point to one. He understood rather quickly and followed her as she bought different vegetables, flour, fruit, and much more. Ichiro was extremely excited about the prospect of having her cook, fast food being rather displeasing to him. The last time she made something, he was reminded of his home, so he was giddy the entire shopping trip.

When they returned to the penthouse, they had a lot of groceries, snacks, and everything in between. Luckily, they were helped out by the front desk, lending them a bag cart to take everything up to the penthouse. Without it, they would have been going back and forth from the car to the top of the building for hours. Still, they began to stock the almost empty fridge with the newly acquired groceries, placing the snacks and drinks on the living room table.

Though it was only late afternoon and Kazuki wasn't scheduled to arrive back home until much later, Ichiro couldn't stop jumping up and down on the couch. It was like it was his birthday the way he rocked back and forth. If that wasn't any indication of how riled up he was, his bunny was doing the same, hopping and stomping on the couch. When Ichiro paused, Chariot did too, and when he started up again, so too did the rabbit.

"(Y/n), come here!" the boy called loudly, "Let's watch tv together!"

The younger girl didn't respond. She'd spent half the day with the male and still, he wanted more time with her. Frankly, she was exhausted, her introverted side competing with his more extroverted self. Instead of joining him in the living room, she began to cook dinner. Deciding on pasta, garlic bread, and a side of green beans, she set to work on cooking, making time pass more quickly for her and Ichiro.

When Kazuki finally returned back home, he gave a sigh and dragged his feet to his room. It was obvious his day had been rough and the only thing he wanted to do was take a shower and have some fun. Well, he would have preferred sleep, but spending time with his younger brother proved to be better for his spirit. Ichiro was so excited about it, after all. He simply couldn't wait to get started.

As the blonde came out of the shower, he dressed in his pajamas and dried his hair with a towel. He then made his way to the living room, his younger brother jumping on him and stating that he loved him more than life itself. It was thoroughly exhausting, but Kazuki couldn't deny that he felt overwhelming love from the younger male. Nothing was better than coming home to someone that wanted nothing more than to love him unconditionally.

"(Y/n) made us dinner," the bluenette beamed, dragging his brother to the table, "She's really sweet, huh?"

Kazuki gave a concerned expression, but only pet the younger boy's head in response. When eating the dinner the younger girl made, his look of guilt only increased and he wanted to stop partaking in her generosity. Nonetheless, he continued especially because the taste was more Vethelan than he'd had in some time. Her cooking reminded him of times long past, and he couldn't deny it was a comfort to him, even making him slip a few tears down his cheeks. A faint pink could be seen on his face as well.

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