Chapter 36: Nervousness

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The castle was a dull place without the livelieness of the younger girl. Rei felt like he was slowly starving for her touch, and that he would die sometime along the way. That being said, he wasn't going to curl up and die because he didn't have what he so desperately wanted. Rather, he held his head up high, taking off his mask. Of course, it wasn't an actual mask, it was the personality he developed to deal with those he despised or looked down upon.

The blonde had made a promise to himself to not wear it around the (h/c) haired girl because she accepted him that way. However, others weren't so caring. He frightened people far more often while walking around with a terrifying scowl. His eyes glared at servants he found were far too close to him, and refused to do anything but growl. It took all he had just to bite back harsh insults or resist resorting to violence. But how badly he wanted to break someone's skull open just to satisfy his bloodlust.

Then, of course, there was something he was putting off and had been putting it off for quite some time. He had limited patience and only wanted to blame someone, determined to do so. Although he was wary of Ichiro, knowing he was the most likely to be trusted by the palace staff and have it out for him, his mother was at fault as well. If it weren't for her lies, (Y/n) would still be with him.

The blonde made his way towards her room. She had been purposefully avoiding him for the past few weeks, knowing that he was furious with her, but he wouldn't let her off the hook just for evading him. In fact, it only made him more insistent towards giving the woman her just desserts. It didn't matter she gave birth to him. He would choose (Y/n) over his mother any day. It wasn't like the latter held a candle to the former.

Rei found himself subconsciously touching his lips, letting out a sigh as he closed his eyes, tilting his head in almost satisfaction. His hands were nothing compared to hers, that much was true, but he far preferred imagining than having pure nothingness embrace his form. Still, it was lacking in some form, not having enough presence behind it. Compared to the younger girl, he felt cold and wispy. It wasn't enough.

Such a thing led the male to throw the doors to his mother's room open. It wasn't as lavish a room as Rei possessed, but it was by no means anything but luxury. His mother wouldn't have accepted anything less than that. In the process of being measured by her tailor, the blonde gave a grimace as he watched her make remarks about the dress she wanted. It seemed sickening to be indulging in a new dress when she was on thin ice already. Who did she think held her purse strings? She had divorced his father and her only form of income was an allowance given to her by her son - the king - whom she'd angered.

"You may leave," the blonde spoke uncaringly, prompting the tailor to freeze up and scurry out of the room with all due haste, keeping her head down as to not make eye contact with the younger male.

His mother stepped down from the elevated platform she was standing on, giving a look that was more akin to one frustrated than one that felt guilty. Her arms were crossed over her chest, not amused by the blonde's sudden appearance. However, she didn't say anything against his presence in her room, simply keeping her lips in a fine line that refused to open until she decided it was necessary to do away with the silence in the atmosphere.

"Have I done something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head and letting her half-done-up hair droop over her left shoulder, "You seem to be in a foul mood."

"Of course I am," the blonde spat.

His mother gave a look of mild surprise, her arms still crossed over her chest without the slightest bit of understanding. It wasn't that she was being disrespectful to the male, it was that she was more wary of his presence. Rei could be a handful, after all. That being said, his mother wasn't going to show submission to him even if it was her best bet. He didn't seem to take kindly to it, however.

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