Chapter 14: Sick

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Another early day of working, Kazuki rose with the sun, though he would rather wake in the late afternoon. His body certainly agreed, wanting nothing more than rest, but his duties called and he couldn't keep them waiting without good reason. The blonde gave a groan at waking up, feeling envious of Ichiro's ability to sleep all day without repercussions. He chuckled weakly, pushing his hair back away from his eyes.

As he dressed himself for the day, he placed on a typical suit, making sure there was no trace of pet hair or imperfections. When he was satisfied with it, he began to brush out his hair before letting it fall back into place. Placing on a red tie, he all but closed his eyes, wanting to get the most out of his time in the morning. Once he arrived at his work, he knew getting a wink of sleep would be impossible.

Kazuki exited his room, deeming his appearance more than satisfactory. He brewed himself his first daily cup of coffee. Without it, he didn't know how he would have survived between Ichiro's neediness and what was demanded of him on a daily basis. While he boiled the water, he also set to work on cutting up some fruits and making toast. He had a meager breakfast for what he did, but it wasn't like he was keen on hiring a live-in cook. It would only take up more space, but the blonde was certainly tempted by the opportunity.

The male indulged in his morning meal, attempting not to doze off while chewing at a slow pace. While his brother would have devoured his meal as quickly as possible, Kazuki tended to savor things more. He wouldn't call his cooking refined in the slightest nor appealing to the blindness of blind men. However, he savored the time he had to eat, clapping his hands together as he muttered gratitude under his breath.

Upon finishing and placing his plates in the sink for Ichiro to do later, he gathered together his work bag and laptop. Letting a sigh out as he rode the elevator down, he couldn't help but be disappointed he wasn't able to say goodbye to his younger brother. It would have been nice if he could have spent more time with the male, but it simply wasn't in their best interest. It was a particularly hectic month for him.

His mind wandered as he drove to his workplace, groaning when he ran into traffic, banging his head against the car seat until the light turned green. Even then, it felt the day was going two miles per hour when the male knew as soon as he arrived at the building, it would turn into over one hundred miles per hour. The thought was aggravating, and he let out numerous sighs in his driving.

Still, as he parked in his spot and exited the car, he quickly adapted to the hectic environment. He was perhaps one of twenty others that had already arrived, most of them being secretaries or personal attendants for some of his higher "coworkers" as he called them. Some people bid the male a good morning, others just bowed respectfully, some of them maintaining their point of view that the male was part of a royal family.

At times, it could all certainly get tiring for Kazuki, but he was well trained and disciplined. Something so small as appearances wouldn't get in his way of the day. In fact, it was to be expected. Little things such as greeting others and asking how they were could have been compared to a tiny hurdle for the male in the race of life. He was a master of easing others into a sense of comfort and peace, his voice a skilled organ he knew how to fine-tune.

If he had it his way and he was born into a less privileged family with much lower social standing, Kazuki would have been able to enjoy the luxury of being an introvert. He would have kept to himself, speaking to those he deemed as extremely close to him while holding his brothers close. Rarely would he have gone out of his way to talk to others, preferring to hold an instrument in his arms rather than the weight of an entire business and nation.

Sadly, the male wasn't given such a life and was resigned to being somewhat of an extrovert. When he could, he kept to himself, but he was needed for this and that, asked for one thing or another. All the while, he was expected to react in a proper and perfectly adjusted attitude, providing answers in a formal and non-judging tone. What he wouldn't have given for one day of free time.

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