chapter 30

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Luca's Pov..

"Umm."I said awkwardly.

"So.."she replied playing with her hand's.

"So Blake huh."I replied looking at her,

"Yeah well it's a favor so I mean nothing really."she answered looking at me.

"Really that's hard to believe princess you guy's seem happy. Like if the relationship was real."I replied.

"Well I mean i've known him for a pretty long time. So obviously it look's llike that."she replied.

"So what your saying is that it look's like your happy but you really aren't?"I asked confused. 

"Well no I am happy I feel safe with Blake. But we fight a lot and that's what ruins it."she answered looking at me.

"You fight because while you might not see it you guy's are the same that's why you clash."I replied.

"And being the same is that bad?"she asked.

The way I see it I could have lied to her. But I couldn't.

"No it help's because you can understand each other. Even if that means fight's and more fight's. But in the end of the day you love each other."I replied.

"But I don't love him in that way I love him as a friend."she answered.

"Yeah well feeling's change princess. Just because you don't see someone in one way doesn't mean you'll never see them like that."I replied.

"Yeah well I don't think I will."she answered.

Clary's Pov..

"Well never say never right."he said.

"Umm I guess."I replied hesitant.

"Well what i'm saying is you might not look at him in that way,but that doesn't mean you'll never see him in that way."he answered.

"So I should take under consideration something my drug dealing ex boyfriend tell's me. Hmh something about that sentence just doesn't make sense."I replied looking at him.

He chuckled.

"Well you can't just tell your feeling's to stop even if you want them too."he said.

"Well that is very true. Well I guess I should get going. I've been here for what look's to be 3 and a half hours now. And i'll probably go home and find lui about to give me a lecture soI better go."I replied.

"Okay. And by the way sorry about those flowers I sent to you."he said and I turned around.

"Yeah I know I had to act like an asshole so you wouldn't get involved in the cross fire. But obviously that didn't go well because were here"he replied.

"Thank's for clearing that up and by the way next time tell me don't try and protect me."I replied.

"Okay princess. And by the way the last party you were at a pretty long time ago like in summer that was me not acting."he answered.

"I know."I said.

"How you were drunk and stuff."he replied confused.

"Well I was drunk but I remembered. And also I know you well enough but I guess not enough because you know you were an asshole you still are but you know the flowers and stuff. And in retrospect I don't think you want your ex of like 8 week's drunk kissing her best friend."I answered.

"Well no but now you know kissing Blake at the party isn't as different as kissing him now. Sure you were drunk but eh. And he was also drunk but hey does he remember? And also what's done is done."he said.

"Well true and no he tends to forget thing's when he's drunk."I replied.

"Well that sure explains a lot."he replied.

"Yeah I know."I answered.

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