Chapter 4

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“Well it was nice meeting you mate. Bye babe.” Drew said as he turned to give Clary a hug.

“Nice to me you too mate bye.”Blake said as he waved to Drew.

“Babe huh not the name I would have picked out for you girly.”Blake said dryly.

“Don’t tell me you hate Drew already.”Clary said disappointed.

“Nah don’t worry girly I don’t hate your boyfriend.”Blake stated. At that Clary started laughing. “What?”Blake asked staring at her.

“Drew is not my boyfriend he’s my friend i’ve known him since like the 1st grade then he moved in the 7th grade. He just calls me babe because one he’s a flirt and two he knows how much that nickname irritates me.”Clary said smiling.

Blakes Pov..

When she was done I was glad that he wasn’t her boyfriend. I don’t even know why I was happy about that. Weird right.

“Blake. Blake are you even listening?”Clary questioned.

“What? Oh sorry girly I was thinking.”I said stupidly.

“Yeah I could tell anyway why did you come here?”she asked.

“Oh I wanted to ask a favor it about this gir..”I was cut off short by Clary.

“Oh my fuckin Blake you have got to be kidding me right now. You come to find me and you wanna talk about some fuckin girl? You have to be kidding me.”she yelled out. I was surprised i’ve never seen Clary this angry before ever.

“Why are you mad girly?”I asked confused.

“Why?”She said irritated.

sorry that is was a short chapter.

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