Chapter 42

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Clarys Pov..

"Hey."I said as I made my way to the girls.

"Hey."they all said.

"So gaby you dont have a date yet huh."I said.

"No. Not yet why?"she asked.

"Just asking I'm sure that you will find a date though.  So anyways prom is in two and a half weeks and we still need to buy our dresses. So what do we do?"I asked.

"Well we could go to the mall today. "Nicole replied.

"Yeah okay yeah we'll go to the mall today."I replied.

"Yeah sounds like a plan. "Haleigh replied.

Blakes Pov...

"Did you hear the girls are going to buy their dresses today."I replied.

"Yeah."lui replied

"I never thought that we would be going to prom."I replied drinking my soda.

"Leave it to clary to make us go."Drew replied.

"I know only she would make me go."I replied laughing.

"Speeking of which. Whats going with both of you?"lui asked.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"Oh please you know what he means." Drew scuffed.

"I dont know what he means for your information. "I replied.

"Oh please. What is going on with both of you I mean you guys slept together."Drew replied.

"First yeah whats going on second watch it she is still my little sister."lui replied with a scowl towards drew.

"Okay yeah sorry. But whats going on with you guys.?"Drew asked.

"Umm I don't know. Were friends its a favor okay nothing less nothing more. And yeah we slept together but we were drunk so. Yeah nothing is really going on."I replied shaking my leg.

"So if some guy just hit it off with clary while she was still with you. You wouldnt mind or care since its just a favor nothing more nothing less?"drew asked.

"Dude I know whar your doing and its going to work."I replied.

"I dont know what you are talking about but answer the question. "He replied.

"Fine. Umm if that ever happens I'll tell you what I think."I replied with a smirk.

"Fuck you but seriously dude would you care?"he replied. Thats when I just stared. And I thought for a second.

"I would because shes technically my girlfriend. But I mean other than that I wouldn't really mind I dont like her like that."I replied getting up to get a beer.

"Okay."he replied.

"Really thats all you say after you bugged me to answer the question. "I replied raising my eyebrow up.

"It was just a question. "He replied.

"Okay whatever you say."I replied.

"Okay well do you remember? "Dwayne asked.

"Remember what?"I asked.

"He means do you remember when you slept with clary. Since you know given your drunken state of mind record you dont really remember much when your drunk."drew replied drinking his beer.

"Well I didnt really remember what happened before. I mean I remember gettinng the cab getting to her house. I know she and I had a conversation while waiting for the cab but I don't remember all of it. I only remember something she told me."I replied.

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