Chapter 19

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"Yes?"he sighed.

"Your mad or disapointed and I don't know why so what is it?"I replied looking at him with a pleading look.

Drew's Pov..

"It's nothing let's just go before they worry or your boyfriend  comes and beats the shit out of me."I replied looking at her. When I was done I turned around to walk away.

"Cut the crap and just say you don't want to tell me. Every guy does this they just leave no explanation. And what do we do we have to keep trying to get it out of you guys. But you don't have to worry because i'm not one of those girl's."Clary spat out walking away towards our friend's.

"Fuck."I muttered as I walked towards them.

Clary's Pov..

"Hey peanut."Dwayne chirped.

"Hi."I replied in a weak voice.

His face turned from happy to concern. "What's wrong?"he asked with a frown.

"Nothing. Okay nothing. I am going to forget everything that is wrong with this fucked up world just once and have fun with my friends and my apparant boyfriend."I replied smiling.

"That's the spirit peanut."Dwayne chirped as he put an arm around me.

Blake's Pov..

I fucked up bad. I turned to see Clary laughing at whatever Dwayne had said. Why couldn't that be me holding her. You know because were suppose to be dating so that I can get another girl? Ok I didn't even believe that crap. Man this girl is gonna be the death of me. I'm royally screwed major time.

"Blake are you coming?"Haleigh asked me while holding Lui's hand.

"Yeah coming."I replied walking closer. As I walked closer I saw Clary get uncomfortable and she had a guilt look on her face. See even at times like this when I screw up and hurt her she looks like she did something wrong to me.

"Ooo let's go to the rollercoasters."Clary exclaimed smiling like a cheesy five year old. I couldn't help but chuckle. She turned to look at me and gave me a sheepish smile. She must have seen amusement written on my face because she stuck her tongue out at me. 

I smiled and mouthed "Real mature."

"I never said I was."she mouthed back.

"Touche'."I replied.

"Well aren't you guy's cute. You too don't talk verbally but mouth shit too each other aww."Nicole replied smirking.

"Shut it."me and Clary said in unison.

"Wow speaking at the same time."Gaby replied amused.

"Aww."they all cooed.

"Yeah so what she's my girlfriend deal with it assholes."I replied flicking them off. When I turned to see Clary she smiled but she also had a little bit of confusion on her face.

"Yeah well it's a favor. There for it does not mean anything right mate."Lui replied smirking and that's when Clary's smile disapeared and she just looked away. Haleigh looked up and glared at him. And with that she elbowed him in the stomach. 

"Ow what was that for?"Lui complained.

"For being an insensitive jerk thats why."Haleigh replied.

"If I were so insensitive then why would I give you this."Lui answered taking out a rose and a box.

"Happy 1 year anniversary Haleigh. I love you."Lui replied smiling down at her.

"Holy shit. I-I-I love you too. Happy 1 year anniversary."Haleigh said smiling. Thats when Lui broke out into a huge smile and kissed his girlfriend.

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