Chapter 26

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Clary's Pov..

Shit. This is going to be a long. And this traffic suck's.

20 mins later..

Oh god why did I do this? Okay I just gotta park in the back of his car. Where he is leaning against with his back facing me. No pressure there. Okay time to get out of the car. His back is still facing me I can still make a run for it. No I can do this.

"Okay."I mumbled as I got out of the car and walked towards him. My stomach was churning. And then he turned around. His green eyes looked at me his chocalate colred hair resembled Blakes but Blakes was lighter then lucas's hair.

I'm not gonna lie my heart stopped when I saw Lucas my breath hitched. He was so close to me it was weird. 

"Uhh."I looked down at the ground and then back at him. His reaction was strange. Instead os saying something he hugged me. And to be polite I hugged him back. 

At the end my phone rang and the silence broke and so did the hug. 

"Sorry." I said but before he could reply I answered.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hello? That's what you have to say after i've been calling for a fucking hour." my brother replied mad.

"Sorry I was driving and i'm not gonna pick up the phone and get pulled over." I replied.

"Driving to who? Lucas? Don't tell me your with that fucking idiot."Lui replied.

"No i'm not I-I just needed to get out." I answered.

"If you are just tell me i'll understand. I just need to know."he replied worried.

"I'm fine."I answered.

"Just who are you with?"he asked sighing.

"Do you wanna know the answer to that?"I asked smiling.

"Your right I don't and by the way tell Lucas if he does anything i'll slap the shit out of him."he replied.

"Thank's I missed you too."Lucas replied sarcastically. Wow that was the first time in a long time that i've heard his voice. I just stood there staring. Then Lucas must have realized I was staring beacuse he winked and gave me a smile. Shit I wanted to face palm myself.

"Whatever bye Clary."he replied and clicked.

"Well he hate's me understandable though."lucas spoke out.

"I wouldn't say hate more like a great dislike." I replied.

"Yeah well whatever. So what's wrong with you?"he asked putting his hands in his pockets.

"Why would there be anything wrong with me?"I asked.

"You don't just call up your ex. Unless your running from the cop's or you need money. I knew it what did you do? Did you hotwire a car, are you selling drugs cuz that's my thing I don't like to share, or do you need money beacause you were driving under the influence?"he said excited in  a joking matter.

"For your information I have never done anything against the law."I retorted.

"Oh yeah."lucas replied smirking.

"What i've never done anything."I said shrugging.

"You drink and your like what 17,18 and you need to be 21 to legally drink. Hm is'nt that against the law? Oh I think it is."he replied smirking.

"Haha well played."I said sticking the middle finger in his face.

"Wow very mature."he replied.

"Never said I was did I."I answered.

"Touche'."he replied.

"Yeah ."I answered.

"Okay. I sense trouble in paradise."he said with an eyebrow raised.

"Clary hello earth to Clary."Lucas said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Knock it off idiot."I replied swatting his hand's away from my face.

"Okay but what happened last I heard you were happy."he answered.

"I told him about a year ago."I replied.

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