Chapter 49

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Blake's pov:

We were still sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I didn't know why since clary didn't seem to be so happy to be here. But I guess we were all to scared to ask. I looked up at Clary who was staring blankly at a wall.

I can't believe she broke up with me. Yeah I mean it was a favor but I mean she was growing on me. And then she broke up with me. She just dumped me. So that's what that felt like. Huh.

Well then. The girl giggled and said I was all hers now. If I'm being honest it annoyed me. So much I mentally cringed.

I looked at Clary and wondered what she was thinking.

Clary's pov:

I was staring at a wall. A blank wall. I didn't even want to be here but I didn't want to go 'home' and then get called back here. To be frank i didn't care much. And I can't stand being in that house any longer.

I kept staring at the wall when out of the corner of my eye I saw Blake staring at me. It made me fidget in my seat. Why was he staring? God could he just stop?!

Damn. Lucas noticed I was moving uncomfortably and placed his hand on my hand. I looked down and then looked back up at him. I smiled and he returned the smile as well.

I leaned my head in his shoulder and sighed. I closed my eyes and then opened them again. I looked at Blake for a split second and saw his knuckles turn white.

I turned back around and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I looked at my hands and sighed. I threw my head back and looked up at the ceiling.

Why was this so hard? Why was life so complicated? A voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Miss Collins?" A lady asked looking at me.

"Yes?"I asked looking at her.

"Your mother is asking to see you." She replied looking at me. I gawked at her.

"Umm may I ask why?"I said looking at her.

"She didn't say she just asked to see you." She replied. I nodded. I hesitantly got up.

I felt someone squeeze my hand I looked down and saw Lucas giving me a warm smile. I gave him one back and let go of his hand. I walked to her room and opens the door.

"What do you want?"I asked looking at her. She flinched at my tone. I scoffed.

"Well I'm waiting?!"I replied looking at her.

"You stayed."she said looking up at me.

"What?"I asked confused.

"You stayed here."she replied gesturing toward the building. I groaned.

"Yeah well I didn't want to go back were I live and get called back here. So I stayed. But I'm leaving now. So bye."I said turning around to walk out.

"Wait."I she yelled out.

"What now?"I asked annoyed.

"Your brother is he-he here?"she asked looking at me. What?! No she can't. How dare she?!

"Why? Why huh because last I knew you gave him up. Don't really see how he would want to see you."I replied with a smug smile.

"Wow quite well. Let's see I'll call him over here let's see how it goes huh." I said taking out my phone.

"Like come over here I need you please."I replied in a desperate attempt to get him over here. Not too long passed when the door opened.

And there he was. He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"he asked looking a me. I pointed towards the person in the hospital bed. Lui turned his head slowly. He fixed his eyes on the women sitting there. He stared and stared and stared. I cleared my throat.

"Well you asked about him. Here he is. Here's the baby you abandoned. An now look at him he's a man now how time flys."I replied dryly.

"Clary.."she began.

"Look I don't know why you asked about me but I don't really care." Lui replied turning around.

"No please wait. I want to explain."she said desperately. Like turned around slowly. He had anger written all over him.

"Explain what? How you abandoned a helpless child. How you looked down at me and gave me away? All for what? God I don't even know. But I guess you have a habit of abandoning people because you did that to Clary."Lui replied and walked out. I felt my eyes get watery but I stopped it. I looked at her and spoke up.

"I guess that went exactly like how I thought it would."I replied with a scoff and slammed the door shut.

I walked towards Lui who was sitting in a chair looking at the ground. I frowned. I sat down next to him and looked at him. I let out a sigh.

"Lui I'm sorry I made you go in that room I should have."I said apologizing.

"It's okay. I knew I had to some day. Just thought it would be later rather than sooner."Lui replied with a nervous laugh. The laughter soon died and I heard faint sobs.

"Hey. Don't cry she's not worth it. If I were to have been her I wouldn't have given you up. I would have never. And at least we have each other."I said hugging him.

"I just can't believe how she could have just looked at me. Me a baby if a couple minutes born and abandon me. I thought about it since the DNA test. And I just couldn't understand. How could she just not want me? Want us?" Lui asked saying the last part a bit more silent. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I wiped them away and smiled.

"I don't know. I don't know."I replied running his back soothingly. He sobbed  and sobbed. Soon his breathing returned to normal and he looked up at me.

"Thanks."he said kissing my forehead. I chuckled.

"Thank you."I replied hugging him.

I walked back to where my friends where sitting and saw Blake look at me. I looked at the floor and walked towards the chair. We sat in silence once more. Each of us lost in our own thoughts.

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