Chapter 5

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Clary's Pov..

Wait why was I mad? Oh yeah probably because this prick only talks about girls. And then he want’s to talk and again girls. I got interrupted with a guy I haven’t seen in like 6 years so that he can talk about girls oh that ass hole.

“Why girly tell me why you're mad.”he asked again.

“Why because you prick you came to talk to me when I was with someone I haven’t seen in like 6 years and you come to talk to me about some fucken girl.”I yelled out. When I was done he looked shocked. Probably because I never got this mad at anyone.He reached out to hug me but I backed away. I looked into his eyes. I was pissed this is what happens when you come interrupt someone when they are talking to someone they used to know for a long time. And then your dumbass has to talk about girls. I mean who the fuck does that. As I stared angrily into his eyes I saw a flash of hurt but he quickly looked away. Typical he was always like this trying to cover up his emotions. Asshole.

“Look girly i’m sorry ok I didn’t know you hated it when I talked about other girls.”He suddenly said. Still not looking at me. Figures. This just reminded me of that night. Fuck that night.

Blakes pov..

Shit good going you pissed her off. Uhh stupid. Wait why does it piss her off so much? Because you interrupted her to talk about some fucken girl stupid.

“Whatever I have to get to class I probably have detention for like a week anyway tell the others that.” and thats all she said. Then she grabbed her stuff and started to walk.

“Wait girly now you're going to class and why would you go to detention?”I asked stupidly.

“First of all this isn’t the first time i've skipped class dad second I have detention probably because of Mr.Jefferson.”she said irritated. And it kinda hurt.

“I know it’s not your first time skipping class but it’s the first without your friends  and girly what did you do after I left to go to the principals office?”I asked.

“Wait did you just do it to keep me company in detention?”I smirked while she glared.

“In your dreams and if you must know he interrupted the conversation me and Haleigh were having then he insulted my friends. After that I  said nobody can stand his shitty class rolled my eyes and left. I’m pretty sure I heard him say I have detention but I didn't really care. And then I just put on my sunglasses and walked out of the shitty building we call school.”she replied.

I couldn’t help but smile I was actually rubbing off on her which wasn’t a good thing. The second that popped into my head it was replaced by an expressionless face. I saw her face fall when my smile faded. Fuck I always saw how much she hated when I did this. When I looked away when talking to her so she couldn’t see my emotion or expression. When I suddenly showed emotion other than cockiness or when I was smirking.                                                                              

But I couldn’t help it ever since my mom died in  a car accident I was never really the same.                

Until I met Clary I know so cliche I know I sound like a fuckin girl but it’s true. The day I met her she was quite, shy, and pushed people out. And now my friends our friends say I changed her but she changed me too. Fuck I sound like i’m whipped which I wasn’t. Anyway we both changed since then.

I have to admit I did have a crush on her when I met her. But I was labeled as the school’s “player” so I guess that was my chance out the window. Anyway point is she deserves someone better anyway. But I don’t like her she doesn’t either. Like they say feeling is mutual.  

“Well are you just gonna fucken stand there or what asshole??”she asked coldly crossing her arms while looking away from me.

“Yeah ok I deserved that.”I simply said.

“Ok girly when are you gonna stop being mad at me?”I asked. She hesitated for a while.

“Let’s go they’re probably looking for us or talking to Drew.”she said and that’s all she said. I was kinda sad when she started walking again. I have questions about what was said in the cafeteria and what she said in the morning.But I better not push it especially not right now.

“Yeah your probably right we..we should go now.”I said stupidly.

“Ok then are you coming or what and umm can you um stop staring it makes me uncomfortable.”She said while blushing.She looked so cute I couldn’t help but smile. And just like that when she looked up she smiled too.

“What oh I see did I make a certain girl blush.”I said proudly.

“Oh shut up Blake let’s go.”she said looking away. I could still her smile though that beautiful contagious smile she has. What the fuck was I thinking she’s my friend she want’s nothing to do with the school’s “player”. When she turned around to face me it nearly scared me to death because I wasn’t paying attention. And that is when I accidentally tripped and landed on top of her. I smiled down at her and she just looked shocked.  

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