Chapter 34

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Clary's Pov..

The party was no less than 2hrs away. I had spent my day with the girls picking out our make up and all that girly shit im not that into.

So i'm sitting here in my room looking out side from my balcony and i'm thinking about Blake and Lucas and what my life could have been like if I had never met Lucas or if I have never met Blake.

It was kinda hard to imagine. I was about to go from sulking to think of my parents who god knows they are never around. Which would lead me to the cold windy path of life sucks well we all know it does.

But it's like the cherry on top of the depression sunday. So anyways i'm about to take that rode when something breaks my train of thought.

"Sorry did I scare you?"my brother asked.

"No actually you just saved me."I replied looking at him.

"Really from what?"he askked curiosly.

"From my crappy parent's who don't bother to check in. I swear I could die and they wouldn't find out untill my air quote mother walks threw the door and finds me laying on the ground dead."I answered as I looked out the window.

"Well then you are welcome I just saved your ass like always."he replied mocking me.

"Haha you are very funny aren't you."i replied looking at my idiot brother. It's funny how he's such an idiot but then he could be the complete opposite.

"Did you uh call Blake yesterday or something?"he replied cautiously studying me.

"I'm not gonna murder you if you ask that question. Plus where would I put your body. Nowhere. I'm joking to answer your question no I did nothing at all. And as far as he is concerened I am still mad."I replied looking at him.

"You are so stubbern."he replied shaking his head.

"Hey hey you are too one of the things we have in common."i answered looking at him.

"True true but hey at least I don't have you and Blakes temper."he replied sticking out his tongue.

"Yeah well you know what they say Lui count your blessing's. Well I am going to get ready for the party. By the way your driving I have a feeling I am not going to be able to drive for the night."I smirked and ran before he could answer.


Blakes Pov..

I didn't feel like riding with my friends so I took my car. I was at the party for like 35 mins and had like 1 beer and a bottle water when I saw luis car. I put down my cup and walked over to his car. He got off first.

"Hey asshole."he said.

"Wow that's nice."I replied.

"Yeah well you try not be answered when you're trying to reach a friend."he replied.

"True but hey I wanted to be left alone so thats your fault."I answered looking at him. He studied me for a few minutes and then said.

"She's in the back looking for something."

"What?"I asked.

"Clary. She's looking for something."he replied as if I was an idiot and did not understand engish.

"Oh."was all I could say and even less when I saw clary get out the car. She was wearing a pretty tight dress with a long cardigon and heels which Nicole probably made her wear and make up but it didn't really look like it. She looked stunning. She saw me looking at her and she looked down. Yeah ouch.

Clary's pov..

He was starring at me and it made me feel weird. So I looked at the floor.

"Okay then let's go."said haleigh. Thank god.

"Okay well umm."lui was trying to figure out what to say since last time a party wasn't the best solution to not being alone.

"Okay well I know where i'm going so see ya."I replied and left feeling Blakes stare.

"Give me a beer please."I said to the guy behinde the counter.

"Here you go miss."replied the handsom young man.

"Thank you."I replied.

"You know a girl like you shouldn't be all alone."replied a too familiar voice in my ear.

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