Chapter 23

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“Yeah ok sure.”Blake replied.

“Uh I should go sleep now.”Clary answered getting from coach.

“K here let me help you.”Blake replied extending a hand.

“Okay.”Clary answered grabbing his hand.

“Thanks.”Clary replied as she sat down on her bed.

“No problem.”Blake answered.

“Are you gonna stay here or something?”Clary asked confused.

“Actually I am is that is that cool with you?”Blake asked worried.

“Yeah,yeah it’s fine.”Clary replied.

“Ok then.”Blake replied as he took off his shirt,shoe’s,a dn jeans.

“Ok well I don’t know how i’m gonna get use to this.”Clary said as she looked away from Blake.

“Oh please you know you enjoy the view.”Blake replied flexing his muscles.

“Yeah keep telling yourself that.”Clary replied getting into bed.

“Yeah well whatever Clary.”Blake answered.

“Does my brother know you're sleeping in my room on my bed?”Clary asked.

“No but something tells me he will in the morning.”Blake replied with a wink.

“Yeah ok goodnight Blake.”Clary  whispered.

“Night girly.”Blake replied as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

“Mhm.”Clar muffled.

“Clar?”Blake whispered.

“Yeah?”Clary asked.

“Is what you're gonna tell me really bad?”Blake asked.

“It’s not.”Clary trailed off.

“Goo-”Blake was cut off by Clary speaking up again.

“That bad.”Clary answered.

“So it’s bad but it’s not really bad?”Blake asked confused.

“Yes it’s bad but it’s not really bad but then again my bad is different from your bad so we’ll just see how it goes.”Clary replied.

“Ok thanks for the heads up.”Blake answered.

“No problem and no more pda ok Blake now is just not a good time for that.”Clary replied turning around to face Blake.

“It’s because of Lucas right.”Blake answered with a sigh.

“Yeah no I a little it’s just no I don’t have feelings for him it’s just you’ll get it tommorow.”Clary replied.

“Fine i’ll hold off on that.”Blake answered.

“Thank you.”Clary breathed out.

“For now.”Blake replied instantly.

“Fine.”Clary groaned.

“But first.”Blake replied with a smirk.

“What?”Clary asked confused before Blakes lips were on hers. To say she was surprised would be an understatement. She was so shocked she didn’t realize Blake was still kissing her. She forgot for a moment and kissed back until she heard her phone ring. Her and Blake pulled apart they were panting hard. Clary got up and walked over to her phone.

“She unlocked it. She had a new message from a number she didn’t recognize. She opened it to her surprise it was a picture message. She looked at the picture and realized it was her and Blake kissing just a few minutes ago. A new message came up from the same unknown number.

It read:

Cute couple. I would hate to see the lad get hurt.

“Shit.”Clary muttered.

“What is it?”Blake asked worried.

“Nothing it’s nothing.”Clary replied but it was too late Blake had already gotten up and taken her phone.

“I hate to see the lad get hurt? What the fuck man you call this nothing?”Blake asked rhetorically.

“Calm down ok I can assure you that this is the first time this has happened ok I swear.”Clary replied irritated.

“Fine but I can’t wait to hear what you have to say tomorrow.”Blake answered coldly.

“Ok ok just relax nothing is going to happen to you. Not if I can help it.”Clary replied grabbing her phone and laying on the bed.

“Fine sorry I didn’t mean to piss you off Clary.”Blake answered walking towards her.

“I don’t want your fucken apoligies Blake. See this is why pda is bad we just can’t not now at least.”Clary replied with a sigh.

“Its ok I get it but first. Let me just do this for the last time well for now at least.”Blake answered. He got closer and cupped Clary’s cheek and kissed her.

He smiled and said.“Goodnight Girly.”

“Uh yeah.”Clary replied shocked. She got under the covers and turned her back towards Blake. She sighed and got comfy until she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her closer. She just shrugged it off and fell asleep.

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