Chapter 33

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Blakes Pov..

It was 7:30pm and I had 10 missed calls from lui, 10 from haleigh, 7 from dwayne, 2 from drew , 3 from nicole, and 3 from gaby. And in total I had 35 missed call's.

I wasn't in the mood I mean it's like I had amnesia. When Clary started talking about what happened it all just hit me. It was like a slap in the face. I remember being in the kitchen with Clary and me trying to convince Clary to go to a party.

And then I remembered the word's I said as I looked her straight in her eyes.

"I will not let anything or anyone hurt you not now not ever. I swear." It was like I had been punched in the stomach. I couldn't believe I could have avoided the whole lucas and clary thing if I hadn't gotton drunk and slept with that girl.

The only thing that I found not that bad was that before I told the girl I had to get to my friend clary and she said she could take care of her self.

After that it was a blurr well I mean I know what happened after that but you know it just it's bad everything's fucked up and it's all my fault.

Clary's Pov..

It was 7:35pm and I was writing in my journal. Yes ladies and gentalmen I had a journal. I like writing it's where I can express myself.

Where I can write down my opinion about society and how it's fucked up and how our generation is also kinda fucked up and all that shit that everybody has an opinion on.

I never really wrote down my feeling's because there is probably a 50% chance I could loose my journal and someone would read it. And it doesn't help that my name is on the inside by the way.

And I just also think someone is just going to read it so emotioms stay in my head locked up behinde bars like always.

My friends have been calling blake. And since we are a lot alike I know he won't answer. The only way for him tp talk is in person sometimes not even that.

It's funny how I could have probably avoided this disaster by not going sure I would have been cheated on but I would be talking to my best friend right now.

But i'm not going to lie i'm still mad at him and I also for the record still not like lucas I just hate him less. I swear I could write a book about my life.

But then again who would want to read about a girl pretending to be her best friends fake girl friend while drama with her ex boyfrined is going while also being I guess you can say hunted by drug dealers who would kill anyone just to make a point. Man what would a book like that be called? I don't know.

P.S. I also love book's i'm a total book worm.

"Hey the girls are here."lui said pokig his head threw the door.

"Okay let me just grab my bag and some money." I replied getting my thing's.


"Well I hate shopping."I said.

"We all know that."my friends replied in unison.

We all laughed. We had just gotten to my house where they would be staying for the weekend. I mean I don't think you want your parent's seeing you drunk.

"Well i'm going to on my pj's."haleigh replied getting up.

I looked at her and smirked, "Mhm just don't spend the night with my brother because I will not be able to drown out the noise. By the way your pj's are in his left drwar where he keeps his shirt's. But you already knew that.I replied.

She got so red and left so fast. We looked at one another and burst out laughing. It was a goodnight and we all fell asleep dreaming of whatever that maybe.

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